Let’s Create A New Health Consciousness

On Wednesday, May 1st was Labour Day, I went to volunteer at the Sree Narayana Mission Home for the Aged Sick as a part of seva (service) of Life Bliss Foundation Singapore.  All the old folks were on wheelchairs as some  were stroke patients or physically handicapped. In that brief few hours of spending time with these old folks, I felt a deep compassion for these people and began to question – How can more people learn the science of living a healthy life till their golden years?

As a yogi, I simply know I will exit this body gracefully when the time comes without sickness or suffering. How can I transmit this understanding of a new health consciousness to people? This gave me the impetus to share with humanity that we don’t have to settle for the current false order of society. The key is having the knowledge to create the right health consciousness and start living it.

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Intuition is GPS of Your Soul

Do you know that the world’s most untapped natural resource is intuition?

Everyone has intuition; it is available in every being but unused in almost every being. The irony is – it is available very easily, but we seem to have lost this ability to tap into this natural resource because we have become too complex. Intuition is just like the smell of perfume, it disappears if we carry unconscious fear and greed. Our complex mind thrives on fear and greed. With fear or greed, they make our life juicy and give us something to do or worry about!

It is the wrong idea we carry about intuition which stops us from experiencing intuition. Normally we do not trust ourselves because since young we are taught by society not to believe in ourselves. Some people also think that having intuition is a kind of curse or suffering because it awakens one’s fear. This is true if one does not have the energy and intelligence to digest and handle the intuitive power.

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Start 2013 by Loving Yourself

Just barely 2 weeks into the New Year, I am seeing a consistent mental pattern among modern city dwellers especially working women or working mothers who tend to be very hard on themselves and their bodies. May be it’s because woman is traditionally perceived as the “weaker” sex; hence she has to try so hard to prove herself in the male-dominated society. In attempting to prove her mettle for survival, woman tends to drive her body-mind to the breaking point despite a constant plea by her body intelligence to slow down. Society has taught her to be so goal-oriented and driven by the “more & more” mentality as defined by society (better lives, better grades for children, more business, more contracts, more expansions etc); she works her body like a machine. By and by, her body develops certain chronic fatigue and body aches, subsequently her mental and emotional health also take a toll with an increased stress level, a constant restlessness, irritability and mood swings. Many women drag around with a pain body and a battered consciousness in life but they are unable to get out of the vicious cycle in which they are stuck in. Her sleep pattern also gets disturbed which denies her from the natural self-renewal process she gets during deep sleep state. When sleep is deprived, her ability to concentrate begins to wane; eventually complex mental disorders such as chronic anxiety, depression or fear psychosis begin to set in including physical diseases.

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