Gratitude is the Key to Ultimate Fulfillment

Yesterday was ThanksGiving Day in America where millions celebrated this festival. In the mood of Thanksgiving and incidentally I am also teaching the topic of “Gratitude” to the eN-Vidyalaya children this month, I would like to share some insights I learned about gratitude.

The first truth is – gratitude is our real nature, but we don’t realize it because currently we are covered by layers of conditioning from society. For example, society taught us that any action needs a reason. Society knows only the language of utility i.e. when there is utility there is action, or else it becomes difficult to justify the action. Driven by results and performance, society immediately instils greed and fear in us if we don’t give the expected results. Society doesn’t know there is a path of gratitude that will give much better results than the paths of fear and greed. The next conditioning is the concept of individuality and freedom. We feel that we have a right to everything that we receive and because of this attitude, we desire and demand. We develop this continuous expectation in us all the time. Through 5 sensory inputs, we continuously expect something to happen in a certain way. These expectations move our energy outward instead of inward towards our self. When we work with expectations all the time, we will carry a subtle violence in our body language.

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Salute to Your Inner Sun

Do you know the significance of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

Today, Surya Namaskar is sometimes reduced to just a set of preparatory warm-up exercise in a yoga practice. The original understanding of this practice and benefits had been lost because many teachers are not interested in the sacred sentiments of this beautiful practice. I had the fortune of meeting a living enlightened master who revived the body language of yoga according to Patanjali, the father of Yoga. My own practice of Surya Namaskar had been completely transformed when it was practiced with bija mantra, slow breathing, chakra awareness and above all, in deep gratitude and devotion. Let me share it with my readers.

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Our Love-Hate Relationship with Food

This food topic came about as right now, I am undergoing through a 9-day process called Nirahaara Samyama which is an ancient yogic technique to go beyond hunger and thirst. This process aims to help human beings explore and discover their possibility to be without any external input like food and water.  This process is about awakening our body’s capability to produce food and energy from sun rays, prana and ether. We had this natural intelligence to create food directly from sun rays and ether but we have forgotten this bio-memory. When this bio-memory is awakened, we will feel highly energetic for no reason without any external food intake. Interestingly through this process, I began to have a deeper understanding about our mental patterns related to food.

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