How I keep my child in the space of possibilities?

Smart young girl stood infront of a blackboard

Do you know that children are already born complete, total with pure innocence and intelligence?

Before the age of 7 y.o., children live in a pure space called “Space of a Child”. This is the original state of pure awareness, a space of solutions where there is no mental processing like planning, judging or thinking. They just download like an internet connection whenever they need the information. This is such a beautiful space to be in as it is a space of huge possibilities. All they need from parents is the right environment and guidance from a higher energy to start expressing their extraordinary dimensions that the society holds them back from.

As a mother, I am very conscious that I want to keep my son, Kai in his pure inner space of joy, innocence, creativity and great possibility. However, I am equally aware of the negative forces in the outer world which could unbalance him and take him away from this space.

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Past has no Future, Future has no Past

This morning I received a call for help by a girlfriend who was psychologically being tortured by her mother who constantly nagged at her, telling her how she should behave and live her life, her expectations of her. That poor girl was almost at a stage of mental breakdown as she felt her mother was controlling her life even though she is already in her late 30’s. Her mother was so stuck in her past with all her incompletions and she was vomiting all her past fears into her daughter.

Frankly, I realise that there are many people around us who are so stuck in their dead past, they waste their entire life brooding over the past, as a result they can’t create a new future. I was also one of them who was stuck by the dead weight of my past till I met my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He helped me to understand the futility of the past.

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Sacred Secrets of becoming a High Achiever

Life is about continuous expansion. If we are not moving towards expansion, it means we are contracting in life, moving towards death.

One of the basic important qualities for living an expanded life is to be a high achiever in life. Whatever may be your chosen field of work, whether as a professional manager, an artist, a doctor, lawyer, a road sweeper, etc, just decide to be a high achiever in that field. We need to understand that it is the attitude of being a high achiever that creates the juice of our life.

Here are three sacred secrets I discovered from my Guru’s life, Paramahamasa Nithyananda who is a living incarnation as well as my personal experience.

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