How to handle anger?

Let go of anger” says Lord KrishnaHe who is without anger shall reach me!
If you go by the literal understanding of this verse in Bhagavad Gita, none of us can reach Lord Krishna because all of us at some point in life, would have expressed anger. What is anger?

The truth is anger is neither positive nor negative. Anger is an energy, just like money, it depends on how you handle it. For example, if somebody does a $10 job, you will not pay him $1000. If you are paying him $1000, you will become bankrupt very soon! Same way, if somebody does $10 worth of mistake, don’t pay him with $1000 worth of anger! For any negative emotion, whether it is anger, lust, greed, fear, when you pay more than the situation requires, you will be depleted.
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eN-Kriya: a sacred secret to awaken your possibility

In January 2011, I was initiated into this powerful technique called eN-Kriya by my Guru, his name is called Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a living avatar (fondly known as Swamiji). Through this powerful technique, he awakened my inner potential energy – Kundalini Shakti. I practised this technique for nine months and I underwent many transformations in the body-mind and consciousness. My body is now able to sit in Padmasana (lotus pose) for an hour and I can simply unclutch very deeply after eN-Kriya which takes me to very fascinating spiritual experiences beyond this plane.

eN-Kriya is one of the ancient secrets delivered to the world in the Hatha Yoga tradition by the great masters Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath, preserved, protected, practiced and preached by the Hatha Yoga samprathaya (lineage) yogis. The eN-Kriya is from the great masters of the Nath Samprathaya who created a great Samprathaya by mastering the Prana (life force). By practising this technique, it naturally gives health, mental peace, emotional fulfilment and above all, the highest possible consciousness.
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Pure love is the best strategy in life

What is pure love?

Pure love means the ability to love without a reason, the love that is not dependent on anything outside, it is dependent only on you.

Before you can experience pure love, you need to have the courage to become loving and let go of the guards of being hurt or violated, you will feel such a freedom, such liberation inside you. This is the first step to open the lock at the heart center. When you start loving beyond names and forms, you are not losing anything, you are merely losing what you are NOT – the illusion which you need to drop. What you gain is reality!
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