You Can Get Out Of Addiction

From the collective consciousness, I could sense that there are millions who are secretly living with their addictions but feeling powerless as they don’t know how to get out of the addictions. Life with addiction is such an abusive way of living, it is disrespecting the very LIFE itself. People with addictions are like the living dead who are yet to be buried.

Addiction makes you feel that if you don’t do it, you feel terrible that you are missing it. If you do it, you won’t feel the joy instead you feel guilty and powerless. At first, you start enjoying it, slowly it starts enjoying you. With the same unconscious pattern, you are not living life because the unconscious pattern is swallowing your entire life.

Fundamentally, addiction is an escape from LIFE – in whatever form life presents to you. You are just trying to escape from some thoughts or issues in your life, thinking that through the distraction of addiction, you can squeeze the joy out of it! We can never elongate the joy shaft from addiction.

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Free Your Breathing

Currently, I am exploring a series of completion with pancha bhutas (5 elements – earth, water, fire, air & space) in human body and so many fascinating insights were revealed to me from the space of completion. I am also helping a client to re-pattern her shallow breathing; this gave me the inspiration to share the science with my readers.

One of the health problems that humanity is suffering is shallow breathing or a restrictive breathing pattern. This is due to factors like wrong body postures in a sedentary lifestyle, a restless mind, resistance to change and emotional traumas. While everyone knows the importance of having the freedom of the breath but many don’t know how to correct their distorted breathing pattern.

A few basic truths we need to understand:-

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Yoga is about Adding Life to Your Movements

If you were to ask someone – what is Yoga?

Immediately, the typical answer would be ‘Yoga is a physical form of exercise called asanas (postures) used to promote strength, flexibility and balance in the body’. In the modern society especially in the West, yoga has been reduced to just a physical exercise with some breathing techniques, some chanting and some meditation thrown in to create an exotic appeal.  Some of the latest fads include an obsession with precision of different complex postures and a belief in the illusion that excessive loss of water in hot yoga is equivalent to a good workout. The Western society largely sees yoga as another form of stress-buster or stretching aerobic exercise. But what they are seeing are merely the side benefits of yoga. It is almost like going to a restaurant and reading the menu without tasting the food!  This is so different from what Patanjali, the father of Yoga is advocating in the Yoga Sutras! The mainstream society is only able to catch the physical dimension of yoga but not the authentic body language of yoga.

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