Get Out of Laziness Pattern

Do you know that laziness pattern makes you shrink in life? Are you aware that laziness brings diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, even cancer to your physical body? To the seekers, do you know that laziness is considered a spiritual disorder?

In March, I started a new yoga module called “Creating Health Consciousness” and I made the students identify some of the mental patterns which stopped them from enjoying good health. One of the patterns which the group identified was “Laziness”. My guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda spoke about the laziness pattern elaborately in many of his discourses. So I decided to research more on the laziness pattern and enrich humanity with the right understanding from the Yogic perspective in this article.

Firstly, let us define laziness.

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Healing Through Meditation

What is the science behind healing through meditation?

There are a few basic Vedic truths that you need to understand in order to appreciate the science of healing through meditation.

First truth – The human body (pindaanda) is the microcosmic representation of the macrocosmic universe (brahmaanda). Both are made up of the same 5 elements – earth, eater, fire, air and ether. The human body is the most evolved bio-organism on planet earth which is capable of enjoying the best things in both the inner world and outer world.

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Mystery of Fear and Inner Peace

Through travelling the path of yoga, I’ve come to believe that our human nature is that of bliss (Ananda) and health. From this blissful existence, it is the basic human need to be calm and peaceful, to be aware of ourselves and others, to be compassionate and collaborative in enriching others, to be fully present in each moment. This state happens only when we are at peace with our Being.

Everybody aspires to be in a state of inner peace because it is our true nature; after all we arrived on planet earth in a state of peace. But as we grow older, the outer world conditioning of fear and greed makes us gradually lose this inner peace. Recently, I had the fortune of receiving a deeper understanding on the mystery of fear and inner peace and experienced this subtle truth. I realized that unless we bring subtle understanding about acceptance of death, transcending the energy of fear, how insecurity gets created, the truth about integrity and authenticity, we will not be able to experience this peace.

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