Timeless spiritual principles for business

Since February 2017, I’ve started a new online coaching module to aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs called “Be Your Own Boss” Coaching after being inspired by my Guru, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) while I was attending a 3-month training program called Nithyananda Yogam in Oct-Dec 2016.

After having conducted 5 batches, I decided to set up a Facebook support group for those budding entrepreneurs as a way to provide continuous coaching, inspirations and opportunity to learn from each other. In the last 2 reunion calls, we discussed very interesting topics on creation and sustenance of business. I applied some of the spiritual principles which I learned from Swamiji into the business. He said that the manifest and unmanifest components of Sadashiva (Super Consciousness) is part of you. The manifest is the five aspects of Sadashiva – Sadyojatam (Creation), Tatpurusham (Maintenance), Aghoram (Destruction), Vamadevam (Delusion), Ishanam (Liberation). We go through all the five modes.

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The 101 Expressions of Living Enlightenment

What is living enlightenment?

“Living enlightenment is actualizing the limitless potential and experiencing the ultimate as every moment of life unfolds afresh. Living in this divine space is living the best life and doing the greatest service to society.” ~ His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji)

Here are the 101 expressions of living enlightenment given by Swamiji in 2010 which we can imbibe: –

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See everything with empty eyes

Have you ever wondered why children are always so blissful?
Do you notice their eyes radiate a certain emptiness?

As the saying goes – eyes are the window to the soul! If you watch children’s eyes, they will be clear and empty, that is why they are in bliss.

What happened to us in the so-called process of growing up?

As you grow up, your eyes become filled with knowledge. Then you may have sight, but not insight, because you see through your eyes that are already filled with opinions, judgments and beliefs. Your sight is no longer innocent like a child, it is filtered and clouded because you see through the filter of your beliefs, ideas and conditioned memories. That is when you begin a life of patterns, predictability and boredom. It is the poverty in your cognition that brings boredom in your life. There is nothing new to learn from what you see because it becomes a repetition of your past memories. The learning is missed and you stop your expansion in deepening the understanding of self, life, world and God.

Boredom is a very dangerous pattern that humanity is suffering from in the modern world. Living in boredom is tantamount to life imprisonment because one wastes his or her own life just by wandering aimlessly and eventually leading to self-destruction. Life becomes mundane and boring only because your eyes are clouded with the beliefs and conditioned memories.

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