Recently, a couple of students who came to me and expressed that they were not able to get out of their lower state of emotions such as insecurity and anxiety. They are stuck in the identities they had built up from the past conditioning. When I was planning for the concluding lesson of the current yoga module, the subject of discrimination and renunciation came out as a final reminder in our spiritual practice to attain the true end of Samadhi (being consciousness). Since then the topic “Renunciation” had been ringing in my inner space, somehow I was guided to check out the Akashic records on this subject by Kalabhairava (Lord of Time & Space), channelled by Paramaahamsa Nithyananda.

The reading gave me so much clarity and solutions to help people who are holding on to their disillusioned identities.

Here is the exact Akashic Reading:

“Renunciation is nothing but the rejuvenation of the self continuously by dropping the different identities you create for a certain purpose but unfortunately associate with it feel one with it. Renunciation is of different levels.

  • Renouncing the external wealth which you decide to possess and identify yourself with it
  • Renouncing the name and fame with which you identify yourself and possess and feel as one with
  • Renouncing people with which you identify yourself and possess with
  • Renouncing the identities which you possess and identify yourself and feel one with 

Among these renunciations, renouncing the identities is the ultimate renunciation. Renunciation is the most intelligent thing a living being can do because renunciation continuously rejuvenates and creates a possibility for higher expressions in your being. When the highest expression happens, you cross the border of renunciation. Renunciation itself becomes your very being. When your very core becomes renunciation, the constant purification, the continuous intelligence shining becomes your life.

Constantly renouncing thoughts is Unclutching. Living renunciation as lifestyle is Living Enlightenment. Ajapajapa (constant repeating and awareness of a mantra) is a powerful way of renouncing the words and thoughts continuously happening in you. Feeling connection is the powerful method to renounce all the emotions which are not necessary happening in you.

Unclutching is the ultimate renunciation. Renouncing all the identities which are unnecessary happening in you. Renunciation is the ultimate purification process to live enlightenment.”

Q: Why should one become neutral to physical needs? A: The why does not have answer. When the spiritual evolution happens, when the spiritual powers are unfolding through your body becoming neutral to physical needs just happens as a flow of life this expresses naturally in you.

Q: Is it not the very creation of male & female & senses are also the gift of existence? A: Existence provides everything including poisons. It is up to you to use what you want and live the way you want based on the goal you want to reach and the purpose you feel as your life’s mission.

Q: When savouring the gift of existence, can’t we achieve the same height coherence that we can achieve through Renunciation? A: Whether you savour or renounce, in the end only when the identities are renounced highest is achieved. Even what you call as savouring, in the end only when you are able to renounce the identity the base, ultimate is achieved. Whatever you understand as savouring will not lead you to the ultimate and whatever you understand as savouring will not lead you to achieve the ultimate truth. Whether you live with it or leave it identity needs to be dropped. Only when you renounce the identity ultimate is achieved. If you can renounce the identities even if those things are around you, you will achieve the ultimate. If you can’t renounce the identity even if you physically move away from those things you may not be able to achieve the ultimate. Finally everything boils down to renouncing the identities.

Q: How are freedom and Renunciation related? A : Renunciation is Freedom. Freedom means Renunciation.

Q: How do I know whether my bio-memory is ready for renunciation? A: All bio-memories by nature programed for renunciation. It is your mind which goes against the renunciation, creates more and more troubles and identities misconceptions. If you allow your bio-memory to function in a free natural way you will not over eat, you will not over see, you will not over enjoy, you will not indulge in anything, as natural flow you will renounce. Renunciation is way of life, flow of life as per cosmic law.

Q: Does it necessarily involve spiritual celibacy? A: Celibacy means just keeping yourself physically, mentally, emotionally away from lust. The Renunciation in the ultimate sense is keeping yourself away from identities. If lust is going to awaken certain strong identities in you, keeping away from that identity is Renunciation. If keeping away from the lust physically, mentally, emotionally helps you to be away from the identity then that path can be used as a method to renounce the identity. But ultimate is renouncing the identity. If you think by keeping yourself physically away, the identity is not disappearing, it is only becoming more and more strong, getting strengthened then going through the lust and transforming it into love, the pattern out of which you can easily unclutch and renounce and evolve and be free, can be evolved. It is like diluting the strength of the patterns. Lust is too strong pattern, if you can go into it and go through with awareness, the pattern gets diluted, the influence of that pattern over you, gets reduced then it flowers into love then that pattern by nature is very simple, does not have too much power over you, you can easily move to the next level pattern-less renunciation full blown Being – fully flowered enlightened Being.

In essence, renunciation of material objects should lead to renunciation of mental patterns and renunciation of mental patterns should lead to finally renunciation of the identity. So let the renunciation be the lifestyle for every human being at every level. Namaste 🙂


  1. Dear Lunettes

    Can you write your comments in English? Thank you.

    Your Presence Heals

  2. Thank you Claude! 😀