No short cut to Spirituality

Are you one of those people constantly trying to take short cuts in life?
Do you think you can hide the inauthentic actions from the presence of God?

Here is a beautiful story narrated by a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) that will help us to realize the futility of cunningness in taking short cuts to enlightenment.

There was a Guru who had ten disciples. There was one chief disciple, someone who is very brilliant and highly spiritual, so naturally the Guru was giving more attention to that chief disciple.

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Seva leads to the highest state of consciousness

Yesterday was Good Friday, after my spiritual routine I began my day with seva (service) by giving an online orientation on Kids’ Yoga foundation module to a group of Nithyananda Weekend Gurukul teachers from USA in the morning. Next, I prepared my signature salad with love as a snack for the participants who were attending the Zen laughter meditation which I was going to conduct in the afternoon at Singapore Aadheenam. My typical week is filled with offering body scanning, healing or spiritual counselling to people who are seeking for spiritual solutions in their lives. Offering seva gives me so much joy and fulfilment, whether it is giving my time, talent or treasure (money). Seva has become a big part of my spiritual life ever since I met my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). To me, seva brings out the highest transformation in devotees whenever we enrich people with higher possibilities of life.

I remembered a very inspiring story in Buddha’s life which I recently read from a book written by Swamiji. The story goes like this: –

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Are you caught in illusion?

I am reminded of this beautiful story of Narada from Vedic tradtion which we can learn about the power of illusion (maya).

Narada was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu – the preserver in the Hindu Trinity of Gods. After sometime, he became very proud because of his closeness to Lord Vishnu. He believed that he was not affected by the daily situations in life that continued to keep a person from growing spiritually.

When Lord Vishnu saw that Narada’s pride was blocking his spiritual progress, he decided to teach him a lesson. A true master will never allow a disciple to get stuck along the path to enlightenment.

One day, Lord Vishnu asked Narada very softly “Narada, can you please fetch me some water to drink?”

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