Responsible destruction is renewal

Today is the auspicious day of Shivaratri. ‘Shiva’ means causeless auspiciousness, ‘ratri’ means night. Shiva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is also known as Mahadeva (Lord of all Lords – the ultimate Divine Cosmic Consciousness). The Cosmic Consciousness is reasonless, continuous auspiciousness; it is Nithya Mangalatva (eternal auspiciousness) without any reason, causelessly. Hence, Shiva is considered as the supreme being within Shaivism, one of the major traditions within Hinduism.

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Unclutching leads you to the ultimate experience

In my past articles, I had written a few times about unclutching as a science of self-purifying technique to lead one to the ultimate experience of eternal bliss. This article goes deeper to the levels of unclutching. See, I was initiated into the Science of unclutching by a living Avatar, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji) in July 2006. This process of unclutching fundamentally changed my life because many of the so-called basic problems of life can just vanish when you unclutch from your mind maze. The unclutching technique is a gift to humanity by Swamiji!

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How to handle anger?

Let go of anger” says Lord KrishnaHe who is without anger shall reach me!
If you go by the literal understanding of this verse in Bhagavad Gita, none of us can reach Lord Krishna because all of us at some point in life, would have expressed anger. What is anger?

The truth is anger is neither positive nor negative. Anger is an energy, just like money, it depends on how you handle it. For example, if somebody does a $10 job, you will not pay him $1000. If you are paying him $1000, you will become bankrupt very soon! Same way, if somebody does $10 worth of mistake, don’t pay him with $1000 worth of anger! For any negative emotion, whether it is anger, lust, greed, fear, when you pay more than the situation requires, you will be depleted.
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