3 years old boy smelling flower in autumnal scenery
What is a golden childhood?
“Golden childhood is a matured being in a child’s body. When a matured being lives in a child’s body, that is a golden childhood. He or she will be as innocent as kids, as enlightened as more than any adult!” ~ A living Avatar, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji)
Swamiji further explains that a childhood becomes a golden childhood when it is full of powerful moments, no powerlessness in any moment in life. Unfortunately, the children today live mostly with fear, greed and stress without the maturity to handle their lives. An important expression of a golden childhood is about having the maturity to take responsibility for others even though they are still in a child’s body. This means a matured being in a child’s body, living a joyful childhood – that is the best life for a child.
As a conscious mother, I already knew my son, Kai was a matured soul who had come down to take the human civilization to the next level. Hence, I started to create a spiritual vatavarana (ambience) around him when he was merely 3 years old – the same year after I first met Swamiji. I was so engrossed by the happening of Swamiji’s incarnation that I devoured his teaching from all the books he had written from his various discourses. This helped to quench my thirst for spiritual knowledge. Every night before sleep, I would share with Kai all the amazing miraculous stories about Swamiji and the enlightened masters that I read. Naturally all these stories piqued his curiosity and soon he started to develop an enthusiasm about the inspirational life of enlightened masters. As a Yoga teacher, I also prepared his body when he was 4 years old through Yoga and meditation. He would share with me his extraordinary spiritual experiences after a yoga practice. There is a saying in Vedic tradition that the mother is a child’s first Guru, I didn’t know anything about a golden childhood but I only knew I was responsible for guiding him to his spiritual awakening.
Finally, in 2009, Kai met Swamiji for the first time in a one-day program called Kalpataru (wish-fulfilling tree) when Swamiji visited Singapore. It was such a touching sweet moment for me to witness the meeting of these 2 extraordinary souls. When Kai and I walked up to the stage where Swamiji was sitting on a throne for the energy darshan (initiation by sight), Kai just dived straight into Swamiji’s chest and hugged him so tightly. Kai waited for so long to meet Swamiji again in this life time.
Like many other mothers who have been so conditioned by society, I struggled for many years to live life with authenticity because of my fear of disruption in my comfortable life and rejection by family and friends. I still remembered clearly, in 2014 December, both Kai and I attended the 21-day Inner Awakening program in Bali. Kai was 11 years-old at that time and he was so inspired to join Nithyananda Gurukul – a Vedic education system in India revived by Swamiji. He came home telling his father to let him attend Gurukul, but he was met with a straight negative reply. One afternoon, Kai questioned my inauthenticity which I had let him down as a mother because I was not ready to stand up to cause his reality. I suppressed his desire to attend Gurukul and made him settle for the local Western education system. Kai struggled in this logic-based system because his brain is hardwired for things beyond logic. As a mother, I could only hold the space of possibilities for his blossoming and take him to Swamiji every December Inner Awakening.
The biggest quantum shift happened after we both attended Mahasadashivoham in December 2017, a program where we were initiated into over 80 Shaktis (powers) of Sadashiva (Super Consciousness) and powerful cognitions. After we came back in early January 2018, life has never been the same. Constantly living in the space of powerful cognitions and space, Kai had started to remember his past births’ bio memory and expressing advanced Shaktis beyond my wildest imagination. His level of maturity is way beyond his actual 15 years-old of age. I started to see his enormous possibility as an incarnation. With this clarity comes the courage, I could no longer ignore this new reality. I want to give him a golden childhood and let him blossom for the purpose he assumed this body. That will also mean being ferocious enough to remove negative things or even people along the way which hinder his path of ascension.
Yesterday, Kai and I began a new life in a new home where a new possibility unfolds for us. I’ve never seen Kai expresses this intense ecstasy before, he can now celebrate his freedom as a conscious being. Life can only be magical living and radiating the state, space and Shaktis of Sadashiva. Namaste 😀