Bruce Lipton, who is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirituality, talked about quantum entanglement. Entanglement happens when 2 persons fall in tune with a same thought. Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. The premise of the finding was – when two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client’s cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted.

Here’s my story of my entanglement with Gerry Hillier.

The year was 2004 when I first met Gerry at a Yoga Teachers Training in Byron Bay, Australia.  This was also the period when I was still searching to find myself, and I had just become a new mother. We were room-mates during the 14-day training. After spending almost 2 weeks with her, I was not only enchanted by her wonderful stories about her life and the children she worked with but also inspired by what she was doing i.e. teaching drama and creative expression to kids and youth in her home town in Queensland on top of being a yoga teacher, an author/a writer and an entrepreneur. She is one being that I was more fascinated with than the renowned teacher who was training us.

Gerry is hugely creative, full of life and someone with a great sense of humour. She aroused my curiosity about creativity and how to nurture the creative expression in adults and children as a spiritual quality. This topic piqued my desire to know more because having been a by-product of Singapore’s intellectual educational system, my creative sparks had suffered from major suppression for a long time.

One year later, I coaxed Gerry out of her busy schedule to attend another 7-day teachers training with me in Christchurch, New Zealand. I remembered one night, we talked about the possibility of working together by organizing a joint yoga retreat for both her & my students as a cultural exchange programme. On the last day, I gave Gerry a Maori double twist jade as a symbol of our new beginning. The Maori double twist is a symbol of joining together of two people or two cultures for eternity and even though they may experience life’s ups and downs they remain bonded by friendship and loyalty for life. Traditionally, it is given as an offering of friendship between different tribes. So this episode began my entanglement with Gerry.  My energy was lifted with a positive and exciting future.

Since 2007 to 2011, we had organized 4 yoga retreats together. Each retreat I would discover so many creative expression tools that I could play with. It felt a home-coming and a great opportunity to meet many wonderful people. I also conducted workshops in her yoga center for last 2 years. I can say that Gerry is my first soul mate as well as a spiritual mentor who helped me to rediscover my creativity and showed me other ways of existing. She is one who is very in tune with her inner guidance which at first, I found it difficult to work with her because she would be totally spontaneous and I was at the other extreme – everything had to be certain and planned.  Slowly, as I embraced spontaneity as a spiritual quality, I was able to live with insecurity.

The next break came when I decided to leave my corporate life and follow my heart. In 2009, we founded The Owl Company with an intent to promote self awareness and creativity in Singapore to teachers, parents and youth. What started as a simple entanglement – sharing of same thought, now it has grown into a business partnership. One thing is for sure, more creative ideas and programmes will keep bubbling up as a result of the divine entanglement.

If you are interested to begin your entanglement with Gerry, here are some workshops in May-Jun, 2012:- 1.      Celebration of Life & Self, 19 May, 10am-5 pm @ Balanced Living

This is a beautiful workshop to re-connect with yourself again. I had the fortune of attending this workshop as Gerry’s assistance in Oct 2011 to a group of women who had been physically and sexually abused.  This is a really nurturing 1-day workshop for anyone to start with as it teaches one about self love & self care in a simple yet loving way.

 2.      Transcending Our Personal Challenges & Letting Go of Fear, 20 May, 10am-5 pm @ Balanced Living

Do you want to engage life fully? Do you know what hold you back from living joyfully? This is a workshop of deeper introspection because we explore: (a) the nature of transcendence, (b) overcoming fear and negativity, (c) body-mind connections, (d) a holistic approach to meeting life’s challenges.

The participants will learn to listen to their body-mind-emotional intelligence and connect with their own healing wisdom. Gain insight into what we hold onto that separates us from a joyful way of being. Become aware of patterns of behaviour which no longer serve you.  3.      Evolving To Awareness, 26-26 May, 9 am – 4 pm @ SCWO

For the first time, Gerry is sharing her wealth of knowledge in self discovery and creative expressions to teachers, parents or anyone who works with children. This is an opportunity to explore ways to bring creativity and joy to the classroom and allow children to explore their own creative potential and gain a deeper awareness of themselves – their feelings, behaviour and their place in the world.

 In this workshop, Gerry will draw on her experience to guide participants step by step through a hands-on journey of self-discovery using many different mediums of creative expression from the physical exploration of movement, sound and stillness, to narrative and art.  The 2-day training will be divided into four sections.

  • From Self Concept To Self Awareness
  • The Teaching Relationship
  •  A Practical Approach
  •  Putting It All Together – The Teaching Experience

4.      Love Matters Retreat, 1 Jun, 7pm – 3Jun, 4pm. ABPI Studio in Malaysia, Selangor

Another first! – A yoga retreat in Malaysia. I attended this retreat in Oct 2011 in White Eagle Lodge, it was a very nurturing and joyous retreat and I fell in love with Mandala art as a creative tool. Come and experience it yourself.

 More details click To register any of her workshop, just email to