Intelligence brings you result

Intelligence is not something to be attained because every being is endowed with intelligence, it is the inherited inborn quality of life.  Just like nature, from caterpillar to chimpanzee, every animal lives its life beautifully using natural gift of intelligence. Everyone is born intelligent; it is just a question of discovering each one’s unique dimensions of intelligence.

Unfortunately, over time many of us have lost touch with our natural intelligence due to several factors. Firstly, due to the proliferation of Western educational system where so much undue importance is given to logic and analysis, we start to mistake the acquired knowledge as intelligence. As a result, the activities related to the left side of the brain is active whereas the right side of the brain, which is related to creativity and artistic expression, is less stimulated. No wonder human beings are not living life to the fullest potential since we are not utilising our whole brain capacity. In Vedic tradition, the ancient masters, sages and rishis know that for a complete being to express itself, both the brains need to be balanced, then you will see your natural intelligence flowering beautifully.

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Hard work is a myth

Last Friday I conducted an online enlightened parenting session for a group of parents and teachers from Hong Kong, Macau, India and USA on the topic ‘Hard work is a myth’. This truth was based on the revelation by a living incarnation, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji) when he expounded on science of unclutching.

He said: “All our idea that we are doing hard work is a pure myth because of clutching. Hard work means you do a simple work if you plan psychological 10 times, worry if it will happen or not 10 times and brag about it another 10 times – that is your so-called hardword!  As of now, you waste 90% of your energy in psychology worry.   When your ego is hurt, you try to defend your philosophy. You feel you are important, that’s why you feel you are doing hard work. In the initial level, you have to convince your boss that you are doing hard work. By and by, you convince yourself that you are doing hard work. That is the ultimate myth. Keeping quiet is tamas (laziness), doing hard work is rajas (restlessness), doing smart work is sattva (pure intelligence). That is the first clarity you need to have. We do not do anything for anybody, not only for others even for us. If you have intelligence to look in and learn how to unclutch for just ten days, you will see the amount of energy and expressing through you, you will be a new being in ten days. Just unclutch from the attachment to the outcome, you will not work hard, you will work smart.” 

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Unclutched action makes you a high performer

Do you know that you can be a high performer without stress and worries?

Let me share with you a powerful truth I learned about actions and performance from my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) which I was initiated into the science of unclutching in 2009 during a 21-day spiritual and yoga retreat called Inner Awakening.

Swamiji shared this simple but subtle technique called ‘Unclutching’ with the world, the ultimate science for freeing oneself from stress, worry and fear, and moving effortlessly to higher consciousness. He said: “Do not create, maintain or destroy any thought. If you don’t do any of these three things, you are the Supreme Self, Parabrahma!” Unclutching is like a self-purifying method. For any technique to be self-purifying and liberating, the moment you become subtle, the technique should also become subtle by itself. Unclutching is one such universal technique that can be used anytime, anywhere, by both the beginners and advanced practitioners. This simple method is remarkably easy to learn yet it is deeply profound in its transformational impact on your consciousness.

I remembered in my first Inner Awakening in June 2009, for several days we spent just sitting in Swamiji’s presence to unclutch from various layers starting from thoughts, breathing, emotions, attachment; even spiritual experiences. The deeper we are able to unclutch the more bliss we experience. The beauty of the “Unclutching” technique is that it can be applied instantly wherever you are. It does not require one to be sitting in a quiet dark room or in a tranquil state of mind. Once initiated by Swamiji (known as deeksha), it can take the practitioner immediately from being “clutched” – emotionally attached to whatever is going on in one’s life, to being “unclutched” – the space of conflict-free living. Thousands of people including myself had benefited and experienced tremendous healing and improvements in aspects of life such as health, wealth, mental clarity, creativity, relationships, careers and spiritual growth.

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