Everything is Memory

I just finished a 4-part series of Yoga Nidra workshop focusing on power of right memory two weeks ago.  Memory is such a fascinating topic that I learned so much from my Guru, HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.  I feel it is time humanity should be aware of how to handle one’s memory.

First of all, here are the basic truths about memory that you should know: –

From Vijnana Bhairava Tantra verse 136:

All the doors of perception produce pain and pleasure through contact with the senses. Thus, casting aside (the sensory objects) and withdrawing (the senses) within, one abides in one’s own self.’

Memory can lead to either suffering or joy in our day-to-day life, depending on how we use it, how we relate with it, how we connect with it, how we respond to it.

Memory is responsible for anything that is available to you in the outer world. In the same way, memory is responsible for all your sufferings, all psychological disorders including the disease of birth itself.  In Sanskrit, we have a word – Bhavaroga – meaning the disease of birth. Birth itself is seen as a disease because it separates you from the Source. Memory is responsible for everything you enjoy in the outer world as well as all the sufferings you go through in the inner world.

Anything you experience other than the truth is Memory. Everything is memory, even you recognizing an enlightened master is because of memory. Otherwise, you won’t recognize even if you see one. The problem is we recognize a master is based on the memory we have; we don’t allow a master to be new. But every moment the master is new, but we are not allowing him to be new.

Memory is your GURU (dispeller of darkness), your MAYA (illusion), memory is responsible for your bondage and liberation. Memory is your GOD. With the wrong memory, you are in bondage. With the right memory, you are liberated. Having the right memory is Jeevan mukti (liberation), constantly remembering the right thing which needs to be remembered, you are living enlightenment. Memory is a memory when you remember it which it binds you. Memory is not a memory when you remember it which it liberates you.

So, all we need to do is work on MEMORY!

Next, we have 3 levels of memory, each of the memory is stored in one of these 3 levels depending how often you use it.

  1. Table memory – those memory which you access every day, the files are right on your table – for e.g., the relationships which you maintain, the place where you live, how to eat, walk? the actions you repeat every day. The basic details for daily functioning as a routine. (Memory which is directly under your table is Prarabdha). Living with table memory, you have living enlightenment, unclutched.
  2. Cupboard Memory – Those memory which you keep in the cupboard of your office. You are not using them daily, but you can retrieve them whenever you want. The access like bank balance, some stories you heard some months ago, the memory of people you met 5 yrs. ago and incidents like a vacation you went on from 5 years ago etc. If you look, you will find it. These files are not directly on your table, but you can bring them to the table if you want it. (Memory is the cupboard is Agamya)
  3. Archive Memory – Those memory which are in the office archives or storage room which you can’t access directly. Info like below 3 yo, you can’t access with normal techniques. It requires a special key which is not with you. Past lives memories fall under this category. You need a sharp logic which you will be able to go thru the incident, which you look to penetrate. The special key to open the archives memories are meditation techniques (like Yoga Nidra) or special initiation by an enlightened master. (Sanchita)

Third, memory is the source of all good things and bad things.  Having the right memory leads to liberation. Learning to handle memory is the right way is the formula for a successful outer world and inner world life. In the outer world, using memory brings comfort, luxury, all the things you need. Not using memory brings suffering, absent-mindedness and disturbance. In the inner world, using memory brings all kinds of problems and suffering. All the disturbances you go through are because of the constant use of memory. Not using memory brings tremendous inner joy and peace. It is a paradox!

Memory is the reason for all mental disorders & birth defects. One important thing – your inability to handle the memory not only create many problems in the young age, it creates complicated problems in the old age. Another important thing – when certain memory shows up, the pain, hurt and suffering is too much that you subconsciously decide not to remember those incidents. When you subconsciously decide to forget things again and again, you end up with Alzheimer disease. Parkinson disease is related to forcing you to have the memory on the table which you don’t want.

When you are able to access to a large storehouse of memory and retrieve precisely what you need, you are a leader. A leader is one who can handle a large quantity of memory with a sharp quality of remembrance. If it is used properly, memory brings so much joy and comfort. If it is not used properly, it can become the source of greatest suffering. In the outer world, the best way to use memory is to use it more and more. Intelligence and power will start happening in you.

However, being dependent on memory make you sterile and dead. Your life is lost! Our educational system teaches us to gather more and more memory, but it doesn’t teach us how to unclutch from it when you don’t need it, how to handle it correctly when you really need it.  So much memory is put inside your system; it is like a slow poison.

In the inner world, the best way to use memory is to unclutch it more and more from it. In the inner world, when you relax from memory, a tremendous energy of spontaneity will start happening in you.  Mahima (grace) happens to you when you have unclutched from memory. Wherever you go, whatever you do, a tremendous feeling of security starts happening inside you and radiating around you.  Only a person who can unclutch from his memory can feel completely secure. Only a person who feels completely secure can unclutch from his memory. Unclutching can lead you to experience knowledge and the knower as revealed in Vijnana Bhairava Tantra verse 137:

‘Knowledge reveals all and the self of all is the revealer (knower). One should contemplate on the knowledge and the knower as being one and the same.’

That is the paradox of memory! The key lies in knowing the science of right memory. Namaste! 😊





The Power of Memory

Do you know that your life is affected by your memory you carry inside you?
Are you aware that all diseases and disorders are related to your past memory?

Memory means the ideas, thoughts, imagination, visualisation which you have collected and which are still alive inside your system. It is the fifth modification of the mind according to the 6th Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. I remembered my first initiation into understanding memory happened in July 2009 when I was attending my first Inner Awakening program, a 21-day yoga and spiritual retreat conducted by a living enlightened master, Paramahamsa Nithayananda (fondly known as Swamiji). He said that memory is such a powerful thing, more powerful than the first 4 modifications of the mind – which are right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination and sleep! With the right knowledge, it can give us suffering or joy only if we act upon it. With wrong knowledge, only our response to it can create joy or pain. With imagination, only the support we give to imagination can create joy or pain. With sleep, only when we cherish sleep, we will have joy or pain. But with memory, we don’t even need to do anything because it is independent of us and it pops up by itself and puts us into joy or suffering, anguish or peace. The scariest part about memory is it can lead one to anything on its own for no reason. In short, memories are like uninvited guests in our inner space.

Swamiji also gave three basic concepts of memory: 1) Table Memory relates to the daily details we access for every day functioning or the things that you are interested like your name. 2) Cupboard Memory refers to memory we need to think and access for e.g. bank balance or bank account number. 3) Archive Memory refers to those memory you cannot access with normal techniques like those memory below 3 year-old.

Memory is called the pain body. This pain body goes and creates disturbances in our body-mind system. For example, Parkinson disease is related to excessive forcing of information into Table Memory which you don’t want in daily functioning. My late father in-law suffered from this disease because his job involved a lot of memorisation of data even though he did not enjoy it. Another common disease is eczema which is related to suppression of emotions and renouncing that part of memory. The problem is we don’t even have the right idea about our past. We remember our past only after editing it by connecting only the past incidents where we had suffering and think that the whole past life was suffering. This is called a ‘Pain shaft’ which is wrong memory. The same thing applies to joyful memories. We edit, cut, paste all the joyful incidents and memories and see our whole life as joy. We don’t look at the past as it happened and we never comprehend reality as it is, hence the complete memory is not within our control.

The key to liberate ourselves from memory is to complete with the past. The amazing result of completion of the past is that it will not lead you to any more suffering, it will only lead you to joy. Another benefit is the moment the memory of the past is complete, you will have the knowledge of your future. This is the powerful Science of Completion as revived by Swamiji! All our miscomprehension, wrong idea about the past is responsible for the wrong idea about the future. For someone who has difficulty planning for their future, be very clear, it means he or she does not have a clear vision about the past. See, any incident that happened in the past adds some understanding, juice and awareness to your Being. If you are aware of all your memories, that knowledge is added to your Being as wisdom and it continues to guide you in the future. But when you forget those incidents, when memory loss happens due to selective memory, the knowledge born out of that experience will not express itself in the future.

There is one powerful technique that Swamiji gave me which helped me to reclaim my freedom as a conscious Being. Just by making a strong declaration that “I am not going to remember anything by force! I am only going to have fun in life”. I say “No” to society which forces me to store unwanted memories and I only remember the sweet memories and living with my Table Memory. He reminded us that Man minus Forced Memory is GOD. By living your Table Memory, you are unclutched and living enlightenment.

In essence, complete with the past memory and you will simply know the future. Then you are ready for the awakening of your possibilities and extraordinary powers in muscle memory and bio memory! Namaste 😀

  • Source – 108 truths of the Yoga of Enlightenment by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.