Heal your body mind
Our body is such a wonderful bio-organism that has a natural ability to heal and rejuvenate itself. But quite often, we resort to quick-fixes like drugs and invasive treatments that sometimes sedate, confuse or even destroy this innate body intelligence due to our lack of trust and desire for instant relief. The dependency on pharmacotherapy quite often brings a lot of side-effects to the body which impedes the natural healing process.
The Eastern inner scientists who work on consciousness, know how to work with this body intelligence through a holistic approach of infusing presence (which is energy) using a combination of yoga poses, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (cleansing techniques), meditation and Siddha herbs.
They know that our presence heals us. By our very nature, our presence is weightless. When we become occupied with our thoughts and engrams, we become heavy, unconscious and low in frequency. By understanding this simple truth, they are able to create a healthy yogic body that is not only free from diseases but also radiating high energy and bliss.
Yoga Classes
New Yoga Module: Strengthen Your Lungs & Heart
How to protect yourself from new variants of viruses?
Just make a conscious decision to strengthen your respiratory system & circulatory system through Yoga. This new yoga module is designed to help you understand the heart center, improve your immunity and breath awareness, which leads to more mental clarity, balance and inner peace.
Date/Time: Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 20 & 27 – 2024, 7.30 – 8.30 pm
Fees : SGD240 for 8 classes
Type : Online via Zoom
To register: email to [email protected]
Tantra Yoga: Alchemy for Purification
Date : Sunday, Oct 24, 31, Nov 7, 14 & 21 – 2021
Session#1 – Causal Body (Anandamaya kosha): Cleansing the deep rooted negative ideas about the world
Session#2 – Subtle Body (Vijnanamaya Kosha): Cleansing the deeply-held negative beliefs about self
Session#3 – Subtle Body (Manomaya Kosha): Cleansing the worries, pain and anguish from past traumas
Session#4 – Subtle Body (Pranamaya Kosha): Cleansing of the pain and frustration of all unfulfilled desires
Session#5 – Gross Body (Annamaya Kosha): Cleansing of physical pain.
Fees : SGD400 for 5 lessons (min 6 participants to begin class)
Type : Online Class
Heal your body mind images
“Ma Durga put together a healthier living program for me, consisting of detoxification, a diet plan, daily Yoga routine, a set of breathing techniques and Samyama.
I found switching to a (mostly liquid) vegan diet relatively easy. I felt and still don’t feel, 50 days after I started, a craving for meat. I have introduced a small amount of seafood back into my diet; not because I crave it, but rather because I find a strict veggie diet a little boring. Yoga has become part of my daily morning routine and I confirm my intention to live healthier every day. The program Ma Durga created had worked very well for me. I sleep better, have fewer aches and pains, I don’t have hunger and I have lost 10kg from 110-100kg in 28 days.
I can strongly recommend a chat with Ma Durga if you want to learn to live a healthier life. The guidance she gave me with was easy to follow and she provided me with the necessary write- ups of background and instructions for me to be able to perform the exercises daily. Beware though, it requires commitment to achieve results – in particular time. I found that the program required more than 2 hours a day. In addition, the lower intake of calories increased the number of hours I slept each night.”
“My name is Yen, I am from Vietnam. In Dec 2017, I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer by local doctor. I tried to seek the conventional treatment methods and medicine by the doctors in Vietnam but the healing process was slow and there were side effects from the medication.
I was referred to Ma Durga in Singapore by my friends. Not knowing fully what the healing therapy entailed, I took a leap of faith and arrived in Singapore to spend 10 days of healing program with Ma Durga. Before I started my healing sessions, I went to Gleneagles hospital for a thorough medical check-up and confirmed the cancer marker was 6.5. Ma Durga explained the process and I decided to give it a try. I attended a total of 6 private sessions coupled by daily healing which comprised yoga, kriya and completion of the root patterns of a lack of self-love and fear. During that 10 days I received daily healing. Despite the language challenge, with the help of my best friend’s translation, I was able to trace back how I created the cancer and drop the past hangovers. After the treatment, in April I went for a regular check-up and surprisingly,
the report showed that the cancer cells had reduced from 6.5 to 4.37 which is below 5 as the normal range. That was a big surprise to the medical doctors and a wonderful news to me. The doctor asked me to continue what I was doing – my daily yoga routine and kriya. By Sept 2018 I did another medical scan and the result of cancer marker reduced further to 3.43! Doctors reduced my medication to half. Since then I have been feeling so joyful and healthy and at peace with my life.
In February 2019, my best friends from Singapore met me in Vietnam briefly, they were pleasantly surprised to see a brand new me – strong, healthy, radiating with smiles and improved self-confidence. I feel great to be given a second lease of life with ma Durga’s healing. My cancer condition has stabilized where I can now live a normal life. Thank you so much.”
Anita Navaratnam
“Seven weeks ago, I had a bike accident that led to a fractured elbow as well as some minor damage in the wrist (with the ligaments). As I was waiting for the doctor to see me right after the accident, I sent a message to Ma Durga and asked her to help me as I felt that anyone who could help me would be Ma Durga. I was in pain. Unfortunately, she was in her yoga class and we agreed to talk after my visit to the doctor.
When I came home, Ma Durga scanned my arm and mentioned what she saw and proceeded to heal me. Ma Durga kept healing me and within 2 weeks, the orthopedic surgeon was really surprised how fast the elbow had healed and the sling was removed. Although I had physical therapy sessions, I wanted Ma Durga to design a Yoga program for me. After doing Ma Durga’s program for 1 week, I went back to the physical therapist and he was surprised on how flexible my wrists were. I still continued to do Ma Durga’s yoga practice to strengthen my arm.
Thanks to Ma Durga, my recovery is faster than expected (by the medical team) and her empathy during this process was just heart-warming and extraordinary. She kept checking on me constantly as well as conducting several healing sessions. Thank you Ma Durga, forever grateful to you!”
Pushpa Philem
“I am now off my blood pressure tablets for good ever since I started doing the yoga-kriya you taught me. I was diagnosed hypertensive with a diastolic blood pressure of 180 and with chronic kidney disease. After 21 days of practice, my bp started going down and upon consultation with the doctor, the tablet dose was reduced from 10 mg to 5 mg. However, after a week, I stopped taking the tablet altogether as the doctor suggested to quit them if the pressure went down. Moreover, the level of urine protein leak was also reduced from around 700 mg to 400 mg. Ma Durga then gave me another new set of yoga which aimed to ease my breathing pattern as I mentioned I had to put efforts to breathe and the new
kriya routine for emotional stability. The effect of the kriya was quite immediate and I felt so much blissful without any reason after the kriya which also impacted my breathing pattern for good. Ma, I am very grateful to you for coming into my life at such a powerless moment of my life and I felt Swamiji’s grace finally fell upon me. I felt protected by your third eye healing sessions as there were days I could not practice any yoga and kriya and went through a lot of physical and mental stress while I took rounds to visit the hospital to take care of my ailing brother for a month, as evident from no change in my blood reports when I expected my condition to worsen. Thank you so much for being my first healer and being my door to the Nithyananda Sangha. Love you Ma, Nithyanandam.”
By Sean Price aka Gelong Tenzin Jamchen
“Siew Yong is a world class Yoga teacher. In Europe, where I come from, we find many yoga teachers who focus principally on the physical aspect of yoga – the Asanas, pranayama, and possibly a hint of meditation. Seldom do we find a teacher who embodies the true spirit of yoga, living and breathing all of its eight branches. Siew Yong is such a teacher.
Siew Yong displays a brilliant understanding of the traditional approach to yoga and with great joy and enthusiasm makes it easily understandable and accessible. Working closely with each student, she is able to teach methods and styles that accord exactly with your needs and capabilities.
In both private and group classes I was pleasantly surprised how quickly she came to know my anatomy – far better than I knew it! With great care and skill she taught me the methods I needed to loosen and stretch my body, to awaken forgotten muscle and sinew, and to invigorate and strengthen it. Within the asana training, she explained in detail the traditional approach of yoga, working on ones being a whole and not being overly concerned with one asana over another; or asana as sequence. Physiologically she explained how the body reacts to yoga and how to avoid pitfalls in the asana practice – by avoiding similar sequencing, etc. – thereby allowing for quick and stable progress to be made.
The uniqueness of her approach didn’t teach me how to do yoga, but rather how my body does it. And how the body should be listened to and appreciated within yoga as a whole.”
Claudia Heck-Chioy
“I was referred to learn yoga from Siew Yong by a friend who thought that Siew Yong would be an apt person to sort me out.
I was going through a listless stage in my life where nothing seemed to work or fall in place. I did not sleep well, had terrible mood swings and was chronically tired on most days.
The first day I met Siew Yong, she offered me a healing session before we started the yoga lesson. That night I slept like I have not done in weeks. In the weeks that followed, she continued to administer a short healing session on me before the yoga lesson proper. Slowly but surely, I felt my mood swings even out and I had more energy than I remember in a while.
Siew Yong is not only dedicated as a yoga teacher. She takes care to explain each breath and muscle intrinsic to a movement. She also goes beyond her call of duty to ensure that each of her students progress holistically as a person to a higher calling.
I will not hesitate to recommend her as a teacher and friend.”
Eileen Jesudason
“My yoga classes with Siew Yong, are like no other I have experienced. It is like my whole physical body is in meditation and one with the world as I flow from one posture to another. It is such a beautiful feeling as I ‘become’ the pose and she has brought my yoga practice up to a whole new level and dimension. Siew Yong has been a gift to me, and I feel very blessed and honoured to be in her class.”
Graham McDonald
“I was very fortunate to have been introduced to Siew Yong and her family through my partner, Eileen.
Siew Yong’s classes are held with such quiet enthusiasm, energy and well-meaning that they are a pleasure to attend.
My occupation builds at times accumulated tiredness and stresses and I find a class with Siew Yong refreshes and renews my ‘life juices’, and whenever I am in Singapore I treasure the experience. She also brings new depth and awareness to my practice.
Her dedication to her ‘journey’ is profound and sincere, and this consciousness is not lost on the pupils she attracts. She is a beautiful person and a wonderful practitioner of yoga instruction.”
Ann Leong
“I was suffering from very bad back pain when I joined Siew Yong’s class. At that time, I was contemplating surgery because of the severe pain. After attending her class, my pain reduced greatly and I became more aware of my body. With her small class size, Siew Yong is able to adapt her lesson to suit the individual. This has helped me greatly and I have managed to avoid any surgery since 2003.”
Usha Udas
“Siew Yong is a patient and perceptive teacher, always sensing and listening to the class and each of us in every session.
While she has a planned approach to having advance our understanding and appreciation of yoga, she is always ready to adapt to the people, circumstances and thereby makes the journey a more pleasant and enriching one.
In her own way, her enthusiasm and deep knowledge of yoga comes across and she embraces you to go along with her journey. Your time and energy spent with her is well worth the effort and I thank her for her generous advice and guidance.”
Pansy Chua
“I got to know Siew Yong through a recommendation from a relative of mine who has been going to Siew Yong for yoga for a few years. This was sometime in October 2010.
Since joining Siew Yong’s yoga class, I have slowly and steadily improved both mentally and physically. Siew Yong has always monitored my improvement and keeps in touch with me on my progress. She is understanding in the needs of each student in her class and has always conducted her classes to suit the individual needs of her students.
Siew Yong has managed to instill interest in her students in the lessons she conducts in class. She is detailed and takes pain in explaining the benefits of the practice of yoga.
Besides being a yoga teacher, she is also a friend who has shown concern and care in the development of each individual. She is genuinely a true yoga teacher and I can vouch for her sincerity and capability in teaching yoga.
Wishing Siew Yong all the best in her zest in achieving the best in yoga.”
Chew Kim Soon
“Siew Yong is a patient and perceptive teacher, always sensing and listening to the class and each of us in every session.
While she has a planned approach to having advance our understanding and appreciation of yoga, she is always ready to adapt to the people, circumstances and thereby makes the journey a more pleasant and enriching one.
In her own way, her enthusiasm and deep knowledge of yoga comes across and she embraces you to go along with her journey. Your time and energy spent with her is well worth the effort and I thank her for her generous advice and guidance.”
Marta Miguel
“Siew Yong’s inspiring words would challenge you to experience the benefits of following your intuition in your daily life. At first, it might sound like a challenge, almost impossible to reach. Soon it will become the only way you know how to live! Enjoy! Thank you, Siew Yong!”
“Thank you for the wonderful time, I enjoyed the experience and benefited from those fruitful sessions. Now I am motivated to include yoga into my life. Thank you, Siew Yong. “
Pamela Yee
I recalled the first time I met Siew Yong when attending her yoga class – I felt this “warmth” feelings through her pair of big eyes and her voice. I was “magnetized” by her smile 🙂
I have been suffering from insomnia and depression since 2009 November. Not able to eat properly, lost 10kgs….not a happy woman, physically run down and emotionally “dead”. Being there was simply my girlfriend insisting me to “self heal” instead of taking sleeping pills or depression medication.
Financially drained.. I know my own “ability” to reach out to self heal is my only hope to move on with my life. SIEW YONG is a wonderful teacher with HUMAN HEART and a DEEP SOUL. Not only she listens, she guides me through by her “patience”, her kindness in caring as well as her daily text to me to remind me to practice yoga and to breathe…..
She even extended me a private session to cure my migraine and detach from my pain – and after each session, she would give me a healing by asking me to lie down and she will generate cosmic energy to me to give me strength, painlessly & speechless to say- a big smile as always she will end the class.
Now, I am a totally new person. A happy woman who has life & ZEST! Physically I can feel I am stronger, no more sleepless nights or feeling depressed!
Besides classes I attended, she too makes sure I read her recommended books which are inspiring! I highly recommend SIEW YONG for her “devotion” and her passion in her work. She is a beautiful teacher I will never forget! I drew SIEW YONG, this is how I relate her in my drawing:
The energy from above will surround her…..from top to toe…. one eye -symbolizes her watching over me even when I am out of sight, through a text to remind me to “breathe” and “checking if I sleep well” or “any headache” or “feeling depressed”. She will guide me through by texting or she will call to make sure I am ok. The big headed illustrates her “CAPACITY” to love, care and her amazing teaching methods are simply “extraordinary” by far.
I sincerely hope SIEW YONG will reach out for more people like me… who needs a teacher like her! God bless you, SIEW YONG and your family ALWAYS!
Alisa St John
“I have been attending yoga classes with Siew Yong for the past 3 months at Balanced Living. I had not done much yoga before and when I first came to the class I was a little intimidated by how flexible and advanced some of the other girls were. Siew Yong quickly put me at ease and now, three months later, I have come such a long way and am much more limber than I ever thought possible. I have always done a lot of boot-camp style exercise classes which I also love but after seeing what a big difference the yoga has made I now realize how much my body needed to stretch out, open up and counteract all the high-impact work. I also now realize that “real” yoga is so much more than just exercise for the body. After Siew Yong’s classes I always come away deeply relaxed and having gained a higher understanding of how to live in the moment and with awareness. She is an amazing, caring teacher and I could not recommend her highly enough. “
Adeline Tan
“Siew Yong has been an instrumental source of inspiration, encouragement and strength. Through her teachings and facilitations, I was able to fully experience and learn the spiritual aspects and self-healing skills of yoga and meditation which I was seeking. The Unclutching technique, amongst many others such as Navel Radiation, is a truly powerful way to release all inhibitions and to center oneself. I walk out each class feeling rejuvenated, renergised and relaxed! It takes trust, practice, determination and patience to allow it to work to its fullest potential within you. For fastest and best results, try this when you are ready to look within yourself, with all honesty. =.) Nithyanandam, namaste. “
Julia Lian
“I was introduced to Siew Yong in mid-August 2012 and I met up with Siew Yong in late August to ascertain personal consultation session(s). I have identified a need to work on my communication; to express and relate myself better to people. Siew Yong facilitated an awareness for me to communicate more from my heart (Compassion) rather than my brain (Logic). I had also brought my nieces (12 and 6 years old) to Siew Yong Yoga classes at Balanced Living and The Yoga Shala. We thoroughly enjoyed the uninhibited energy that was released during the workout to the quiet moments during meditation. Siew Yong’s passion in reaching out and make a difference to people in her own humble way is admirable.
Thank You Siew Yong and do continue the Care-Factor. :)”
“This one (article “Be Your Own Energy Source“) really speaks to me and I have forwarded it to my daughter. You have such wonderful insight and express it so simply and clearly, thank you! I have been using Louise Hay “You can heal yourself” which teaches the same thing: that we create our own futures with our thoughts, and what she does is try to teach you the positive thoughts that create a positive and loving future. You can then see why your article was so pertinent for me… it just added another layer/dimension.
Please do not ever think that your writings fall on deaf ears. I always read them and sadly do not always give you feedback. You and Gerry fill a very special place in my life path. You got me out of a hole that was consuming me and I wonder where I would be now without that help. I am a much happier and functioning person, still climbing mountains, but am so much better equipped to do so. I hope your life expands as is evident from your writing!”
Michelle Johanna
“It must be good fate when an old friend brought me to a meditative yoga session with Ma Nithya Durgananda. I just knew it that she could help me even before I knew she is also giving private sessions. I was clueless and exhausted with myself, driven by my relationship. I was deeply insecure, non-trusting, and struggling with jealousy and possessiveness. I thought I would give up the relationship and myself altogether. I had no mood to do anything and my mind was just full of worries and negative thoughts.
It only took me about 2 months and 6 private sessions with Ma Durga until I actually found my good old self back again. Yes, I found my identity, my inspiration and most importantly, my faith in God has been back since. I stopped tiring myself with the worries, and started to use my energy to keep myself happy instead – be my own inspiration and let the rest be taken care by the ultimate power, God. I learn from the sessions with Ma Durga that I am custom-made to serve a special purpose in this world, and I am unique for that. Recently I have been reading ‘Unstoppable’ by Nick Vujicic and he also confirmed that fact. He got out from his insecurity by realizing that his is unique and be here in life to serve a purpose. Ma Durga also guided me to see life as a ‘playground’, hence do not take life that seriously. It also confirmed the previous statement that each of us serves a special purpose in life, hence we have a special ‘role’ in this playground. We have to keep moving on.
Ma Durga always makes me feel home and welcomed with her home-cooked delicious meal and warmth from her family. She is such an inspiration, with her positive energy; I am so pleased to be just around her. Her support for me during those 2 months was not only during the sessions, she was and has been, very attentive to my daily progress in between, reminding me of my daily practice or just simply asking me how I feel every day. Even when I had those crisis moments, she was always there to listen, calm me down and put me back in place.
The sessions are customised to my problems and very much organised with initial proposals and preliminary discussions to ensure the program would help to solve my problems. Ma Durga also gave me some ‘homework’ so I could practice at home in between the sessions, which I also find very rewarding.
I feel blessed that I found Ma Durga and built a connection with her, which has brought me on track again, on my new life of the journey of expansion, from now onwards.”
Jen Loo
“It was like a natural energy emanating from the navel moving my libs. I felt like a plant, a starfish and also like an octopus. Amazing to be brought back to when I was a foetus in a womb. Body felt so light and movement became very fluid. Once that was learnt, it is like experiencing yoga at the most intrinsic level.”
Trudi Ellen
“Thank you, Thankyou, Thankyou for the enlightening workshops over the 2 evenings and the 2 days in your healing presence. Thankyou for coming all this way to Australia – and for coming to our little town of Gympie! 🙂
Your words touched me deeply. I feel that I do have a choice. I feel that if I simply remember my wholeness and live in THIS moment – I don’t need to DO anything – just BE who I truly am. The “I Am presence” within me, is much more joy and peace & love & bliss & FUN that I have ever “thought” I was!!!! I am NOT the pain and suffering of my past! I can choose in every moment to be the aspect of the Divine, playing out my “script”. But I have realised that it is all simply a great Cosmic JOKE!!!!
I LOVED the laughter at the end of the 2 days of processing & learning – it released so much inside me. I could “see” all the things I “thought” were SO important – really were just NOT important at all. I felt like I really connected to the Divine in that moment – and was being the “observer” of my play – that I had written and starred in!!! And it was all just SO FUNNY!!!!!!! I am now teaching my 22 year old autistic son to laugh more too – life is just WAY too serious!
I now feel the freedom is within myself – freedom is not found outside of me. Its not in where I live or in how I live or who I live with! Its in ME.
Thankyou for the knowledge you gave to me. I know you say you are simply “sharing” – but your words were like seeds that have been implanted in me and continue to grow! Blessings and gratitude.”
Mitchell Quek
“It is my privilege to be a student of Ma Nithya Durgananda. I attended her workshop “Sleep Your Way to Health” with an open mind and discovered so much about myself – memories that did not served me well.
Ma Nithya Durgananda guided me to uncover and complete with the past so I could move forward with clarity and positivity. I conquered my fear of sleeping in darkness, and learned practices that would help me sleep well at night. This is a huge shift for me as the quality of my sleep affects the quality of my day.
And, what touches my heart and soul most is the loving-kindness that Ma Nithya Durgananda exudes when she is present with us. You won’t feel alone in this journey as she is committed and will guide you every step of the way.”
Susan Helen
Before experiencing Siew Yong’s meditative yoga sessions, I had always thought of yoga simply as a form of exercise to stretch my tired muscles out and balance my other strenuous fitness exercises. I came to the first session with little expectation and left the place with it blown to bits – not only were my muscles properly stretched, my soul also felt nourished and my restless mind calmed. I had that first class more than a year ago and my week now feels incomplete without it.
Through the personalised programme, she has also helped me identify and work through a number of shackling thought patterns which had led me to making wrong choices and as a result, creating issues and self-inflicted pain in my life. She has definitely played a key part in my journey of inner growth.
Siew Yong is more than just a yoga teacher, she is a life guide, a repository of calm energy, and an ever present healing presence all rolled into one. I am thankful to the universe for having placed her in my life.
Anita Chow
The year I met my yoga teacher SY, I was at my lowest point of life, was not happy with my marriage and also not in good term with my mother, family matter was in a mass. I was crying everyday, felt very little of myself, and I was easily out of breath. I was very very depressed. But….somehow, I knew, I need to change to get out of my situation.
I started looking for classes that can give me an answer to what’s wrong with me. I had done some yoga classes before, but have never gone too far in practicing it. And, I also have read something about chakra, the energy in our body. So…..I thought maybe I can start working on my body, working on my inner energy – the chakras.
I saw one of SY’s class postings, listed teaching yoga and working on chakras. I registered and I went to class. In my first class with her, I couldn’t even finished one round of Sun Salutation, I was out of breath, feeling the dizziness and panting in doing any of the yoga movement. But, she was a good teacher, she knew my body was a wreck and mind was a mess, patiently she coached me and customized some simple easy yoga movement for my body to work on, and taught me the breathing technique and meditation for my mind to calm down.
It has been 2 years since I started the class with her, and in between I have enjoyed many of her other classes, not just yoga movements, classes on seeking your inner self , and how to awaken your inner self, different meditation methods, etc. I have improved quite a lot physically and mentally. And, also started my path on spiritual finding. I am very grateful to SY and appreciate her very much in guiding me patiently on the right path.
Thank you very much, my teacher SY!!
Joey See
“After attending the Yoga module with Ma Durga, I was able to sleep better. Deep sleep and I feel really fresh every morning not like before I always have ‘hangover’ from sleep.”
“I like yoga, I do enjoyed every sessions I had especially the last few sessions when the stretching getting more and more intensive. I felt more relaxed.”
“Physically, yoga has helped me to release my pain at the tail-bone. I could not sit long and have to stand up after a few minutes of sitting. The pain is long gone away after taking the yoga since last year with Ma Durga. Mentally, yoga is a ‘re-set’ button for me. It is refreshing after the yoga session as my thoughts and emotion becomes ‘zerorised’ . I need the yoga session every week so as to continue to love myself.”
Yu Xuan
“I didn’t attend the full 7 lessons (missed 2 lessons due to sickness and children also fell sick) but I do feel very refreshed and had peaceful mind after the lesson. And my body seems to be more flexible (of course there are still rooms to improve) compare to last time. I like the breathing session a lot especially the last lesson, mind is so peaceful where I hardly had this kind of peacefulness before. Hope you can do it more often with us.”
Irene Yeo
“I have missed one lesson from the last module. I like the stretching portion which I hardly get to do. Flexibility and balance are something that I find it hard for me. But will continue to achieve more from each session. I feel peaceful during the session.”
“Yoga is a form of tension release for me. The stretching session releases physical tension in the joints while the breathing session releases pent-up mental tension. I feel more energized after taking up yoga. I especially enjoy the theory sessions as they lead me into deep meaningful thoughts on how to improve my life emotionally.”
“Before I started yoga with Ma Durga, I was frustrated with my inner chatter. Yoga with her has helped with my mindfulness practice. I’m more aware of my thoughts and emotions. Trying to live in the present moment and be mindful of my emotions. Thank you.”
“I got to know Ma Durga (Siew Yong) from her YouTube videos. Being a (breast) cancer patient myself, I was truly inspired by her very first video where she shared her own recovery experience. After meeting her personally, I was further inspired to take the quantum leap in my life for the better. Attending private sessions with her served as a good platform to make the essential changes in my life. Her yoga sessions are excellently conducted with clarity and depth. I saw remarkable progress in me both physically and mentally after attending her private sessions. Her confidence in me has boosted my confidence in myself. Thanks Ma Durga.”
“Siew Yong (Ma Durga) is a very patient teacher, she takes her time to explain every posture in great details. The Parents Kids Home Yoga cards gave us a good understanding of the postures and helped us guide our children easily in yoga session at home.”
“The Parents Kids Home Yoga workshop made me understand more about each posture especially with the stories behind it. The pictures make it easier for me and my son to do the yoga. We have fun time when we practiced it. Thank you for the course.”
“The Parents Kids Home Yoga workshop was well-designed with good flow of information and helpful visual aids. Introduction to the various yogic spaces, followed by the colourful pictures and interesting stories helped me to understand yoga in a bigger picture. With a deeper understanding and help from the visual cards and stories, it is easier for me to share with my child the various poses and their benefits. Variations taught in the course are also very helpful as I am able to adjust the difficulty level of each pose to maintain his interest. A fruitful course. Thank you.”
Vivien Lam
“I have never thought of the bloatedness of my stomach was rooted from the stress and my worries about my son. During one of the sessions with Ma Durga, she put me through a completion process which helped to relieve the pain I have been suffered for years. I felt much more lighter and happier right after the completion process. Along with this completion process, the Nithya Kriya helped to reduce the level of bloated feeling significantly. Thank you ma Durga for her guidance”
Lisar Chin
“I went in knowing I had to learning more about myself and how it impacted my business. I went to hospital because I was overwhelmed with the growth of my business… I knew I had to make a shift or else end up working for someone again!!!
“After attended 4 Private sessions with Ma Durga, I have gotten into a good space with myself- whereby feelings of insecurity about life and relationships are resolved. Because of this expansion, I realized the potential growth in myself and in turn the ability to make a positive difference to others around me. I certainly recommend those who have similar issues to seek help for themselves and eliminate these incompletion in them completely.
Rewien J
“I have suffered from time to time with insomnia. I didn’t know what the problem was.
I thought well it maybe due to my wrong diet or just stress. So I wanted to learn the cause of my sleep disorder. Through YouTube, I met Ma Nithya Durgananda and her website Your Presence Heals. I was curious and asked if she could help me. After a few emails, she made a customised program for me. The sessions were great. I learned that there are more things than stress and eating that can cause sleep problems. For instance desires, guilt and pain. It was a big eye opener for me. The private sessions helped me a lot and the good thing is that it not only healed my sleep pattern, but it also improved my very quality of life.”
Melissa Chong
“The chanting with the posture, while painful really helped clear my mind and emotional blocks. And the topic areas was SO RELEVANT to me. I was having a lot of gas in my body and I was also anxious about going back to full-time employment, prior to the yoga session. And universe would have it, the topic on Tuesday lesson was EXACTLY addressing these 2 areas. Thank you very much SY!”
“Though one of the main things that changed was my growing interest in capturing the natural and feminine beauty of nature, there were other deep experiences I have had during our private sessions, for example, at the end of each session we would sometimes with the guidance of Ma Durga perform a meditation and after this I would feel incredibly calm, at ease and not troubled by negativity. I believe also that the completions we made together had a certain effect on me till this day but it’s rather vague this effect it had and therefore too difficult for me to describe it with words. I have grasped a better and clearer understanding of spirituality, and of the divine. One of the rather interesting changes was the appearance of a lump in the back of my head, I do not think it was a coincidence. Anyway the lump disappeared with the help of Ma Durga.”
Ashley Chin
“Before receiving the spiritual guidance, I had no motivation nor passion to move on in life. I felt I did not have a place in this earth. I thought that the world was a scary place and I was lost and trapped in it. But after getting to know of this spiritual guidance from ma Durga, I had learnt that the world was not as bad as it seems and that the possibilities in the world are endless. Even things that seem logically impossible could be possible too. It has enhanced my faith and belief to continue to explore and venture more in learning and experiencing the possibilities that the world has to offer. The spiritual guidance has allowed me to improve my relationship with my mother as I learned to complete with myself and moved on from the past, not allowing it to define who I am now. It also has allowed me to experience many miraculous powers that had increased my confidence and helped me believe more in myself. It has also guided me the directions to my true passions in life and help me re-ignite my love for arts.”
Sari B.
“This 21-day private seasions changed my life. Cliche as it sounds, it helped me to deal with issues from my past which in turn gave me the answers and closure to the problems that I was facing. I walked away with a 180 degree shift in perspective, brimming with possibilities and the inner peace that I was seeking. It feels like fate that I do this program and this has to be the best decision I made this year. Thank you Swamiji and Ma Durga for your guidance! Thank you for the best vegetarian food too :)”
“Once again, many thanks for your help on that day. It was late night after a family reunion. The breath was going more and more restricted until I had to retire into my room and struggle to get air into the lung. The breath was very shallow and each breath was very difficult. I opened the window for fresh air which helped a bit. But then again, I was near suffocation. I was under great fear. I remembered to do mahavakya but this was not possible due to lack of air in the lungs. I only could chant briefly in my head. Then, as a last resort, I contacted you for help. Until you were ready for zoom, I kept the mahavakya in my mind as you instructed. Once the session started an amazing thing happened. You went into my breath and opened my lung/ breathing capacity. In an instance of time a shift happened and I was able to breathe down to the lower lung area. As you instructed, I did inhale and exhale with awareness. When the session was ended, I was able to breathe almost normally. To my amazement and with gratitude for Ma Durga and Swamiji I finally was able to lie down and fall into sleep. Thank you.🙏 “
“I was looking for programs for becoming an entrepreneur since quite some time but was not determined about it. What struck me and finally woke me up was the clear statement of Swamiji that his disciples shall not work for others but for themselves…
I learned shortly later from Ma Durga that she offers a program for BYOB (renamed to Spiritual Entrepreneurs Incubator). I took the chance and attended. I find the sessions well structured which give the necessary insights to lead the participants through various processes of analysis, eye opening for finally creating a new reality.
I am realizing that BOYB is predominantly a mental process – overcoming the fear from the unknown, the not knowing what to do, how to move forward, how to move out from the current situation (of employment). In my case all these fears prevailed (and sometimes still do) however I was able to define a roadmap for my new reality.
I cognized that I need additional skills which I am determined to learn in the coming weeks and months so that I can generate income as entrepreneur. The ultimate goal though is to become boss over my time and lifestyle which I will use for helping and enriching people as well as walking further on my spiritual path. Thank you.”
Sarah Galvin
” I signed for a 21-day healing program with ma Durga for my thyroid imbalance problem. On the 1st week after doing a tailored Yoga practice for few days, I found my body heat slowed down a lot and I can now stay outside longer. Before this program, I could only stay for 10 mins then I would start to feel dizzy & breathless, it became too dangerous for me to go out. During the session, I started to learn more about Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Chakra). Before that I only knew it was related to comparison & jealousy. This time I got a deeper understanding that it is also related the quality of “authenticity”. As I used to have difficulty to speak out, I found out why my Vishuddhi Chakra was blocked.
In the second week, I followed her suggestion to do the 21-min laughter meditation and I did it twice last week by myself. During the meditation, I received ideas how to write my website and I was able to finish one page last Sunday. That was my unexpected pleasant surprise as I had been stuck with my website for months.
On the third session, I started the Throat Samyama and I saw an incident which happened when I was about 9-12 yo. After school, my mother left home to play mahjong at a friend’s house and I was told to look after a baby. Suddenly the baby fell down and I shocked and felt guilty. After this incident, I would really be scared of looking after young kids. During the samyama, I felt it was burning my guilt during the 21 minute. The Throat Samyama is so so powerful in helping me to heal my past hangovers. This morning, I got a message – my sensitive skin problem was the result of authenticity and I need to complete with my non- acceptance of self. Overall, the 3 sessions had been a very powerful process for me to bring greater understanding and get back to being healthy and alive with authenticity in my expansion.
Jolly Chan
“Attending the Yoga Nidra workshop was another new experience for me. It is easy to learn and do. After the second lesson, I found that I had deep sleep and waking up refreshed, in spite of going to bed at the wee hours of 3.00 am and waking at 7.00 am. I noticed clearer thought process and more confidence in decision making. At the last session, I felt my body like a sack of potatoes during the lesson but I was very refreshed after the completion. Thank you Ma Durga for the wonderful sessions of Yoga Nidra. Nithyanandam!
“The chanting with the posture, while painful really helped clear my mind and emotional blocks. And the topic areas was SO RELEVANT to me. I was having a lot of gas in my body and I was also anxious about going back to full-time employment, prior to the yoga session. And universe would have it, the topic on Tuesday lesson was EXACTLY addressing these 2 areas. 😍😍😍 Thank you very much SY!”
Jee Chin
I had my first major completion breakthrough with mother. Somehow, I had not been able to do completion but now I finally got the “technique “. My heart felt so much lighter, like something big got lifted. I felt more inner peace too and not easily agitated as I used to. I also finally able to connect to Devi, not like last time don’t even know she exists. Like today, I was able to put on saree at my first try when I could not even do it after multiple tries previously, my divine female consciousness energy is finally awakened! Thank you Ma Durga.
Alice Zhao
I had a major shift in my interaction with my mother. Even though I had some completion with my mother, but I was unable to shift out of the victim role and I still had grudge and resentment towards my mother previously. Due to this, I didn’t actively want to meet her recently. After the second session, I realised that I need to make the conscious resolution to come out of the victim mood and actively mend my relationship with her so I met up with her before the third session and realised that I was able to relate to her experiences and understand why she is who she is without the judgement and irritation that I had previously. I also resolved an issue with my husband and again made the conscious resolution to work it out together. I was also able to express myself better, and am no longer scared of expressing myself creatively through art. Thank you Ma Durga for the sessions and delicious food!
Edna Ang
“Through *Experience Your Divinity* workshop, I was able to experience a few major breakthroughs.
Firstly, it is completion with my biological mother. I came to understand why she treated me the way she did during my childhood and was able to completely dropped the anger I had towards her all these years, which was buried deep in my heart, and causing me to get stuck in whatever I was trying to manifest.
Secondly I was able to connect to Mother Devi with ease and experienced her darshan and her love. In the past, I was unable to connect with her though I know SHE is there as I had experienced her existence and her compassion to pull me out of delusion. During the 3rd session, I dropped the heavy feeling and grudges in my heart and I immediately felt lighter and happiness and love came flooding into my being. That evening, I found my cooking skills has also improved when I cooked with love for my son and mum and they both enjoyed the noodles.
Thirdly, I am able to have much better connection with nature. I am a nature lover and the sudden deeper connection I have is simply amazing. A day after the program, I brought my son and my mum to the botanic garden. As we were walking by the lake, a flock of pigeons suddenly flew towards us. At first, I thought they were just flying over our heads, but this flock of birds landed gracefully in front of us and surrounded us, as if trying to communicate with us. They followed us as we walked around the lake. Then a pair of swans danced for us and a huge black and yellow birdwing butterfly circled us round and round, as if trying to say hello.
I have also become more patient and tolerant towards my son and mum and our relationships have become better and there is much happiness and love. I am ready to work on my life purpose to help more mothers build fulfilling relationships with their kids.
Thank you Ma Durga for the amazing sessions and the yummy food.”
Alice Zhao
“I finished 4 sessions of Yoga Nidra sessions with Ma Durga and it had helped me to experience deep relaxation beyond any kind of massage. It had also helped me to relax muscles that are very tight like those around the shoulders and neck that doing yoga asanas has been unable to relax too.
Most importantly, throughout the month of July, I became more aware of the cognitions and thinking patterns I have that contributed to the stress to my body and mind. It gave me a chance to consciously break them down slowly and I managed to experience relaxation in daily life.
Last time, I was unable to relax even when I had some free time. I felt that there wasn’t enough time to do all those that I wanted to do and i don’t know what to do with the time and it made me very anxious. I also always worried about one thing or the other, even when it is already over. Now, I’m able to relax and feel peaceful with minimal thoughts when I’m free.”
Eileen Jesudason
“I have had the privilege of doing Yoga Nidra with Ma Durga over the years and each time I go deeper, experiencing new dimensions. It is a gift I am grateful for, thank you for everything you do”
Edna Ang
This morning i woke up well rested and my headache and eye pain were almost gone. My irregular heartbeats has also normalised. :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: Now my eye pain is completely gone.
Thank you Ma Durga for letting me experience Nidra Yoga! I am loving it! :smiling_face_with_3_hearts::pray::heart: