Mothers Love Kids Yoga Teachers Training

How do you teach a child yoga who already exists in the enlightened consciousness?
Children reside in the space of a child – a pure space of awareness and immense possibilities before age of 7. Guiding them to connect with their innate body intelligence from this knowledge and consciousness is the main contribution of this kids yoga teachers training.
Whether you are a teacher or a parent, the Mothers’ Love Kids Yoga Teachers Training will awaken a totally new consciousness in you, you start embracing Yoga as a creative play of embodiment of movements, dance, flow and celebration of Existence.

There is an energy in each one of us that is responsible for what we see and experience – it is called Divine Feminine Consciousness. Awakening this energy helps you to relate with children as they are and develops your ability to hold a space of huge possibilities for them.
Children learn through play! By creating a sacred playground, they can learn the Science of Yoga as a play of embodiment and creative expressions.
From a single cell of an embryo to a 2-legged human being, a child undergoes an evolution of human developmental patterns. Mapping this insight into Yoga can bring about a completely new depth in body work and consciousness.
Modules & fee
The training fee per person is @ SGD4,000.
Early bird entitles 10% discount @SGD3,600
if payment is made by 30th May 2021.
Type : Book Physical Class
MODULE#1: Jun 18-27 Jun, 2021
Origin of Yoga, divine feminine consciousness, space of a child, the utility and embodiment of human body, human development: Water-based patterns & its application in Yoga leads to experience of Wholeness, Human Anatomy & organs system, teaching techniques in creating a sacred playground for creative expression and practicum, tips to design your own practice
MODULE #2: Aug 21-26, 2021
Human development: earth-based patterns & its application in Yoga gives grounding to physical plane, preparation for advance poses like backends, Pranayama, Parents Kids Home Yoga Beginners Series & its activity pack, teaching techniques for grounding kids, practicum on a written assignment related to your passion.
List of Certified Yoga Teachers

Crystal Chan
Crystal Chan specializes in increasing children’s physical literacy with Yoga and dynamic movements

Elynn specializes in restoring health and energy of 7 chakras in children

Betsy Choi
Maheshwari specializes in tuning children’s body through Yoga for creative excellence in music

Essie Chook
Paramashantini specializes in bringing children back to the space of Yoga through SOUNDS healing

Camus Ip
Shankari specializes in increasing concentration in children

Yue Yee Loo
Yue Yee is intereted in working with Kids Yoga for pre-schoolers and young children
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After Module #1
In the training, we covered about the water-based patterns. It is to awaken our body intelligence to move the body from within to without. The training let me experience the powerfulness of breathing. I moved my body along with the breath, and integrate with it. It makes the movements become gentle and smooth.
Yielding is also related to breathing. Breathing out to send the weight to the mother earth and wait for rebound force to extend the body. I felt more comfortable and relaxed when I was doing the backbend poses in Surya Namaskar. Combing what I learnt in this module, I got different and deeper experience in doing Surya Namaskar. Now I am more aware of my body tension and know how to stretch and release it. I also learned how to cooperate with my organs to move and twist my body deeper. I raised my yoga experience into next level and now I start knowing how to listen my own body.
In the whole training, I found out that sometimes my core is not strong enough to hold my body. The pose, Chaturanga Dandasana required strength in the arms. Sometimes my arms were unable to hold my body before the sequencing the body to come down. I practiced a few times more and I found the importance of yielding. Yielding can give the energy both to the core and arms to finish the sequence. And also the crow pose, I am able to hold the pose longer than before. Many breakthroughs happened during these 10 days.
After training, my dance and my body movement become different. My body will have different expressions and different movements. I enjoy dancing more and more and enjoy to dance without mind and let my body dance. I will explore more dance movements and train my body to let me able to express as I want. I am lucky to find a student recently who wants to have a breakthrough in body flexibility and dance. Let’s see if I can do the teaching practicum with her and explore body and dance together.
Glenda C
After Module #1
It was an incredible training.
The training started with completion with my body. It helped me to set up the right context for the training so that I have less resistance in body and mind transformation. When the completion was done, I was ablt to provide authentic listening throughout the training. It was not just listening to the knowledge about the Science of Yoga, but I was also listening to my body – how my body responds when I move.
Combining with the knowledge and the experience in yoga practice and practicum, the transformation on my body was obvious in these 10 days, as I had less resistance because of impossibility, more curious to try any new asanas (poses).
In summary, these are the breakthroughs I have in the training:
cracked the mystery of “listening to the body” – we always ask “how” to listen. Finally, I got the practical way in this training – it is one of the worthy parts in the training!
cracked the mystery of injury pain and sweet pain – over stretching and wrong posture may create injury when people are doing asanas. Finally, I got the key to figure out how to explore the possibility on body in a safe way.
the new experience of staying in restful awareness – the body is alike in sleeping mode but the awareness is still there.
transformation in body – breakthrough on asanas, more confidence and strength in trying new asanas. Enjoy the process rather than forcing the body into the posture that creates irritation.
New inspiration on the Science of Completion and more creativity to expand myself to enrich kids and parents.
I am looking forward to the September Module#2. In these 6 weeks before the next trip, it will be another incredible inner journey for self-realisation. Namaste.
After Module #1
I was surprised by the change brought by this training. At first I was hesitant to participate in this training because of some factors. But whenever this thought came up, I could hear Swamiji clearly expressed that I needed to participate in this training. 😆💕🙏
After I finished the training, I realized the importance of this training to me. These ten days have improved my body and consciousness. First, it solved the shoulder strain that had plagued me for many years. There was also a sudden inspiration a few months ago, that is to add yoga to my piano teaching, so that my students do not have to experience shoulder strain caused by playing the piano. This training helped let me to be creative in designing the right yoga practice for my students.
In the past, when I used to have negative emotions, I was buried in emotions like drowning. Now I can stop myself from staying in negative emotions for too long and consciously come out. After training in Taiwan in April, I felt that the awakened divine feminine consciousness was expanded through this 10-day training. I became more patient than before, especially with people who disagreed with me. In the past, when I faced a strong person and didn’t know how to continue the topic, I would feel fear or anger. But now, when the same situation happens, whenever I see my emotions rising, I suddenly could hear Swamiji telling me how to communicate with this person. Really enjoy myself after this shift in my consciousness. It seems that many things have become smooth and possible.
During the two days of daily yoga practice, I felt very hot and sweaty. Now I can hear the body sound, the body can also drive me to move. I feel relaxed when I finish my yoga practice as compared with the previous work of Nithyananda Yoga, it is a force that forces the body to do difficult poses but it does not teach the correct method, but it only fulfills the sense of accomplishment of the mind. I didn’t enjoy the process of doing yoga. I feel that I should be more and more creative. In music, I downloaded a small melody yesterday and this morning. It is effortless, and music is in my mind, so I have to make sure that the phone is around me and record the music.
I am looking forward to the training of the second module , believe that my consciousness will become higher and higher Thanks to Swamiji and Ma Durga for creating opportunities and spaces for spiritual growth.
YY Loo
I like the concept of breathing technique as the foundation vs teaching asanas. Throughout the training, it has been proven that this foundation indeed makes the asanas much easier to do. Before I used to stop my breathing and just hold my breath. Now I realised the breathing actually gives me the ‘lift’.
I enjoyed very much the human anatomy class and found very useful because it taught us about our body structure and that each body is different. We should not force our body. We can be limited to certain asanas because of our structure.
I learned a lot about space, Swamiji and Guru Puja. I feel a difference in space in this group vs. my other yoga group. His space is very loving, caring and always helping each other. Camus and Essie Chook are always ‘teaching’ us.
My biggest breakthrough in this course is I now want to do Guru Puja. Before that, I think of my mom’s objection, now I think I want to do first and her objection secondary’.
After Module #2
This kids yoga teachers training course is out of my expectation, incredible, and it is filled with love and energy.
Before I arrived, I actually felt nervous as I worried that I could not stay in my peak mental state to learn and listen. In Taiwan, my sleeping time is long, yet the quality of my sleep is poor. In the past, I didn’t feel any difference in doing yoga and physical exercise. In fact after doing yoga by other teachers, my body might feel little bit tired. In this 10-day training, our sleeping time was short yet I felt energetic. Through Ma Durga’s yoga teaching and transmitting her muscle memory to us, we experienced the power of yogic physiology, which can free us from sleep and food patterns. Three meals per day in ten days, I ate quite a lot of food, but I didn’t put on weight yet my body has become more toned.
In the beginning of the course, Ma Durga led us to do completion with our body plus some breathing exercise. It helped me relax my muscles and bones, feeling at peace with body and mind. I felt the energy flow inside my body and the chakras were spirally expanding. Raising consciousness also helped me to be focused in listening the teaching and not falling asleep.
The uniqueness of this training is Ma Durga taught us the knowledge and science about our body, I now knew how to listen my body when doing yoga. By listening, I avoid injuries and I can do yoga more effortlessly. I learned about yielding and connecting with Mother Earth, and I was able to feel the energy flow. By combining breathing and navel radiation, yoga becomes more powerful. My body naturally flowed with it, it improved my flexibility and strength while releasing tension through breathing. The skill of mouthing is so important as it can help my body extend further in yoga practice. The science of mouthing, bones, muscles, organ and spine work together and all move along with the breath. The extension made me feel comfortable. When I was doing Cobra pose, my back could reach further, something which I was not able to reach it before. This extension also happened when I did another pose. I used the skill of mouthing and got a great breakthrough!!
Ma Durga’s yoga helped me detoxify my body and emotion. In these 10 days, I started to communicate with my body in the yoga practice, I found my injured body parts and got it healed with yoga. What surprised me the most was yoga can reprogram our body system. After this training, I will be more intense in doing yoga and heal my spinal vertebrae and some weak joints, allow yoga to maintain my body with love and care.
Ma Durga arranged Bryon to teach us human anatomy. It helped us a lot in knowing the development of the bone structure can determine the yoga pose we can do. Some poses can be reached by practising, while some poses we are unable to do due to different bone structure. By knowing this, we understand how to prevent our students from injury.
The first module of yoga training was filled with Ma Durga’s love and care. Living with all of you and learning to do yoga together was very happy, all my worries just disappeared. When the training ended and the moment we were about to leave, I felt it just like leaving home. Look forward our next gathering in module two, let us learn and raise up together. Thank Ma Durga and all of you of taking care of me in this period.
Essie C
After Module #1
This yoga training was unforgettable for me, too much to share, I try not to make my sharing too long.
Before I arrived Singapore, my body started detoxifying, both in physical and emotional levels. I fell sick on the first day in Singapore. The difference this time was I didn’t put all my attention on my sickness, instead I channelled my energy to what needed to be done.
In these ten days of training, my body was cooperative, not much sore pain. I wanted to specially thank E-Lynn for helping me release my muscle tension with essential oil, to let my muscles ease itself. Thus, my body was cooperative in this ten-day of yoga training.🙏🏼
I learnt a lot in this kids yoga teacher training. For the human body structure and many things related to the body which I didn’t know, I got the answers in here. The biggest click was yoga is not about how perfect you can do the asanas, but about how to use yoga to connect with your body, mind and soul, being in oneness with the universe through yoga.
I felt bliss in these ten days, because I lived with my teamily, celebrating my birthday together, also Ma Durga’s food was full of love, and lots of surprising gifts. Thanks to all my teamily and Ma Durga, love you all.
Glenda C
After Module #2
Just like the name of the program “Mothers Love Kids” – it is like being pregnant and giving birth to my own self by nurturing the body, mind and the soul through both Cosmic Vidya (knowledge) which is the science of yoga and Feminine Consciousness. This indescribable relationship between “me and Me” – ONENESS in Existence through this body is established through the training.
Yoga is more than asanas – this is one of the essential concept received in the training. Body work is NOT twisting or bending the body in some postures but the actions bring consciousness back to this body. No mind, no inner chatter, no self identity but I EXIST at the present moment that makes the individual consciousness go beyond mind or human logic to experience a glimpse of the state of Advaita, or non-duality where is no right-wrong or good-bad.
A list of breakthroughs on yoga practice: dropping all fears in advance postures, more excitement in challenges, no comparison with others, no regret even I cannot make the postures prefect, enjoy yoga practice, expressing gracefulness in body movement… many positive effects happened in this body that I have never experienced. The ecstasy motivates me to share what I learned in yoga to everyone, especially kids who are living in the cities who are always disconnected with self and the environment. The knowledge and the experience inspired me a lot and brought more depth in my profession – teaching kids and parenting.
I would highly recommend anyone who really wants to contribute their life in the science of Yoga to take up this Kids yoga teacher training. You will experience a deep inner journey and lots of inspirations in enriching the world.
Thank you Ma Durga to deliver this wonderful training to the humanity. Namaste.”
Essie C.
After Module #2
Finished Yoga Teacher Training Module# 2, this time is also dramatic. Got many experiences, some were happy and some were unhappy. A time to gather with my spiritual family is joyful. Everyone has an intention to fulfil their life purpose and will help each other to understand the yoga asanas.
Indeed, it is important that Ma Durga transferred her muscle memory and bio memory to each of us. This is an important part of this course. This transferring strengthened my connection with my body and I feel more connected with my body. At the same time, it also helped me to clean the fear and anger stored in my body. My injured wrist is now 80% healed. I’d never have thought it was possible before.
Here I thank Ma Durga for bringing to us such a wonderful kids yoga teacher training. Let us know how to help the next generation to live a healthy and blissful life. Let the kids grow up from their golden childhood and let the new gen find a way out in body, mind and spirit.
After Module #2
In module 2 training, there was a deeper experience in body, mind and spirit. I experienced a stronger connection with the Mother Earth, let the energy flow to help us in doing the advance postures. My body can stretch deeper and has more flexibility, more balanced, stability and grounding. The yoga practice in first few days helped us to lengthen the spine. The asanas which I felt tension before, now I can do it in a more relaxed way. I also overcame my fear and started doing headstand. The first time I felt my body became light in doing inversion. At that moment, I tried to stabilise my body through breathing, shifting my weight and totally trust Mother Earth will support me. The fear suddenly disappeared. My inverted body became light and comfortable. We learned different knowledge about the science of body in module 2. Ma Durga said, you are as young as your spine. Body pain and diseases nowadays are related to lack of supporting strength throughout the whole body. And we find the kids nowadays don’t have well developed bones structure and muscles at a young age. Improper body postures stop them from building their body properly. When they reach adulthood, they just like us, have many pains, disease and tiredness.
Mother love kids yoga not only can help kids, but also can heal the adults’ body pain and disease. In this course, I got better clarity about the cause of my legs injury. How to bring awareness to the body and raise the conscious health? This knowledge I was never aware and learned before. I am glad that I learned pranayama (breathing to bring life energy) this time. It leads and raises me to another level, I am now aware the gaps between inhale and exhale.
Every time when I practice, my kundalini got awakened, raised inside my body. During practicing pranayama, our mind stopped and in silence, the body has a different relaxation experience.
I am glad to participate in such special and amazing course and am honoured to be one of the first batch students in receiving Ma Durga’s muscle memory transmission. Giving us an opportunity to bring the science of yoga to next generation, to provide them an opportunity to grow healthy, experience the space of yoga and achieve balance in body, mind and spirit.🙏
This is not only a yoga teacher training, but also a journey to raise my inner space. Thanks for Ma Durga’s sharing and guidance to allow me to grow and have breakthrough. Also thanks for the caring from teamily and a chance to study together. Missing the time when we study and live together. Looking forward to see all of you next time.”
After Module #2
The yoga in this time was intense and full of challenge. Before attending the course, I have done some core strengthening in Hong Kong, but I still found not enough, don’t know how to hold the core in headstand. After doing a whole day yoga practice, my body became sore like sweet pain, seem like I need to work on my body and strength more. I got deeper experience in yielding this time, I can feel how the energy from Mother Earth and flow to different parts of the body. It helps me to do yoga with fluidity and stability. The stretching and relaxing postures learned in this time are very useful. It can stretch my hamstrings, release my back pain and feel more ease with my body. Before that, I have also done some pranayama, but just “did” it without knowing the science behind it. Now I finally got more understanding on pranayama. Yoga purifies the body and pranayama purifies the mind, let prana enter the body.
There is no doubt that both the full moon process and the love samyama are new and unique experiences. It reminded me my past experience and feeling. Love samyama clarified my passion in life, danced with myself, fully engaged and so enjoyable. Before that, I always felt frustrated in my life purpose, always begging others to tell me which way to go. Now I know. I finally get the direction. This is really touching. From that, I cognise that somehow things take time, cannot hurry. I took me two years and finally got the answer. Thanks Ma Durga for the whole course and thanks Swamiji for appearing in my life.
After Module #2
The yoga in this time was intense and full of challenge. Before attending the course, I have done some core strengthening in Hong Kong, but I still found not enough, don’t know how to hold the core in headstand. After doing a whole day yoga practice, my body became sore like sweet pain, seem like I need to work on my body and strength more. I got deeper experience in yielding this time, I can feel how the energy from Mother Earth and flow to different parts of the body. It helps me to do yoga with fluidity and stability. The stretching and relaxing postures learned in this time are very useful. It can stretch my hamstrings, release my back pain and feel more ease with my body. Before that, I have also done some pranayama, but just “did” it without knowing the science behind it. Now I finally got more understanding on pranayama. Yoga purifies the body and pranayama purifies the mind, let prana enter the body.
There is no doubt that both the full moon process and the love samyama are new and unique experiences. It reminded me my past experience and feeling. Love samyama clarified my passion in life, danced with myself, fully engaged and so enjoyable. Before that, I always felt frustrated in my life purpose, always begging others to tell me which way to go. Now I know. I finally get the direction. This is really touching. From that, I cognise that somehow things take time, cannot hurry. I took me two years and finally got the answer. Thanks Ma Durga for the whole course and thanks Swamiji for appearing in my life.
After Module #2
After this training, yoga became my life style more deeply. I didn’t really care if I could make a difficult pose. But seeing everyone can do it, invoked my comparison, I learned from the slight injury of the neck, not force the body to do the pose beyond the scope of ability. Love Samyama let me find myself and experience a very weak sense of success and passion in the past . The feeling of playing the piano is no longer as heavy as before.
When I got home, I felt that my inner anger and root pattern were lighter than before, and I started to be unaffected by others and the environment. In the new working environment for less than three weeks, I have established an image that no one dares to provoke me. Especially supervisors , I need some teaching aids, I can apply soon, and my colleague had applied for many times but no response. I am surprised by this change