Yoga Nidra
“At the point of sleep when sleep has not yet come and external wakefulness vanishes, at this point being be centered let your being is revealed.” Vinjnana Bhairava Tantra Sutra 75
Yoga Nidra is a form of psychic sleep which is derived from Tantra Shastras. It is a powerful yogic technique in which you learn to relax consciously from all inner tensions while you remain aware throughout the practice. Only with a release of tensions, deep relaxation and peace of mind that man can realize his true nature.
Benefits of Yoga Nidra include:
• Release of 3-fold tensions – physical, emotional and mental;
• Inducing psychic and physiological rest and rejuvenation;
• Removal of unwanted habits or patterns;
• Healing certain diseases;
• Awakening of intuitions and extra-sensorial perception;
• Directing the mind to accomplish anything you want including experience of Self- Realization.
A) Workshop
1) Basic Level (Conscious Relaxation)
Date : TBC
Fees : SGD320
Type : Book Online Session
YN#1, 1st May @ 3 – 4.30 pm: Origin and benefits of Yoga Nidra
YN#2, 8th May @ 3- 4.30 pm: Yoga Nidra and the Brain
YN#3, 15th May @ 3 – 4.30 pm: Experiences in Yoga Nidra
YN#4, 20th Feb @.3 – 4.30 pm: Process of Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)
A) Workshop
2) Advance Level#1 (Conscious Transformation)
Date : TBC
Fees : SGD480
Type : Book Online Session
Each session focuses on different exploration of Yoga Nidra:
YN#1, 30th Jan @ 4.30 – 6 pm: Tapping into the healing power of Consciousness
YN#2, 6th Feb 4.30 – 6 pm: Transform unwanted habits or patterns
YN#3, 13th Feb 4.30 – 6 pm: Training the mind to be aware
YN#4, 20th Feb 4.30 – 6 pm: Directing the mind to accomplish
YN#5, 27th Feb 4.30 – 6 pm: Experience Samadhi
YN#6, 6th Mar, 4.30 – 6 pm: Awaken your intuition & creativity
A) Workshop
3) Advance Level #2 (Awakening mental capacity and intuition)
Date: TBC
Fees : SGD320
Type : Book Online Session
This series explore our mental capacity and intuition
YN#1, 10th Jul @ 1.30 – 3 pm: Sleep, Dream & Yoga Nidra
YN#2, 17th Jul @ 1.30 – 3 pm: Increase memory function and effortless learning
YN#3, 24th Jul @ 1.30 – 3 pm: Counteracting stress and go beyond stress
YN#4, 31st Jul @ 1.30 – 3 pm: Synthesis of the whole brain and third eye intra organ – the command center
A) Workshop
4) Advance Level #3 (Power of Right Memory) – NEW!
Date: Saturday, June 4, 11, 18 & 25 – 2022
Fees : SGD320
Type : Book Online Session
YN#1, 4th Jun @5.30 – 7 pm: Understand memory & memory training
YN#2, 11th Jun @ 5.30 – 7 pm: Right use of memory is the formula for success in both outer world and inner world
YN#3, 18th Jun @ 5.30 – 7 pm: Healing of past lives traumas
YN#4, 25th Jun @ 5.30 – 7 pm: Totality of consciousness awakens your power to access Cosmic Archines
B) Tailored Module for individuals: Yoga Nidra for Health & Wellness
Fees : SGD800 for 8 sessions
Type : Book Online Session
Yoga Nidra Images
Lee Kim Kee
“If you don’t know what it is like to be completely relaxed or still or how to get to that state, I would recommend that you attend Siew Yong’s Yoga Nidra workshop ‘Art of Conscious Relaxation and Transformation’. She was able, with yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques) and guided meditation to put me in such a relaxed state that I felt such fantastic calm and peace and bliss which I could only feel in a very good meditation session on my own which is rare. In one workshop, I even had visions of a past life. Once your experience that kind of bliss and stillness, you will realise how little of that you have in your life and that you truly need to do something to change the way you live your live!”
Florence Toh
“Yoga Nidra helps me to really relax into my deep consciousness especially if you did yoga within that day before you attend yoga nidra class. The sequence that Siew Yong put me through really helped me to go deep into meditative state even before yoga nidra started. I remembered on my 3rd lesson, I felt so relaxed during the process of yoga nidra. That relaxation state was something I never felt before.
By the way, I am a very anxious person since young, I have great difficulty to relax till I always control my breathing. My last session was the best I ever had. I went into such a bliss state after her preparation sequence that I was smiling by myself when I breathe hard even till the next day! The whole process was fantastic that I just keep dwelling into deeper state unknowingly and I am so awake that such kind of awareness I never felt before. Then when she progressively led me out of yoga nidra, I realised how deep I went.
For example, I thought I was aware of my breathing all the while inside the process, when she said ‘Feel your body and your breath’, I started to become aware that the breathing I thought was external was actually internal breathing, and the best thing of all was I felt my heart chakra (energy center) actually fully opened by her last class. That is why I keep feeling bliss even the next day and after.”
Miki Walters
At that time when I attended Yoga Nidra 4-evening workshop led by Ma Durga in March 2015, I was in the worst crisis in my life and struggling to deal with my marriage break down. I was so desperate to stand on my feet as I wasn’t able to sleep and eat, simply my body had stopped functioning due to the trauma and the complete shock.
Yoga Nidra helped me understand how our mind get affected by this modern and hectic society in a negative way and how to keep our mind in peace. Ma Durga shared with me the true life value and taught me to stay true to myself. During the Yoga Nidra process, I had learnt to let go of my negative thoughts and see them passed by so that they didn’t stay with me for long.
Thanks to Ma Durga, I have gained my sanity and strength back. And also I am able to love myself again. This was an eye-opening workshop which I benefitted enormously.
Ruly Soewignjo
I met Siew Yong 6 months ago when I joined her Yoga Nidra workshop. I really enjoyed Siew Yong’s classes because she always combines the theory and practice, something that I don’t see in many yoga teachers today. In the workshop, I learned the power of our emotions and thoughts may manifest our reality. Through this workshop I started to consciously watch my thought and emotional energy before I go to bed. Siew Yong taught us the importance of observing thoughts without getting involved emotionally. This has helped me tremendously in letting go bad memories from my past. Since I learned that during sleep state, the capacity to learn and heal our body is at peak, I started to change my sleeping habit. Things began to shift in my ability to perceive my situation and I was able to find solution to my problem quickly.
Siew Yong also taught me about the science of completion. This help me a lot in understanding why 12 car accidents happened in my life. Finally I found the root cause that I have not completed the first traumatic car accident that happened in 2003. Since completing that event my repetitive struggles with car accidents, fear and guilt, losing my voice, thyroid symptoms such as cold attacks, depression, and weight gain problems had stopped. I was able to release the pain of being shocked and humiliated that was trapped. Now I am able to live my life freely without feeling of guilts and fear from the past.
I also know that I am responsible for everything that happen in my life. Therefore, when things are not working out the way I want it, I can look back and see which event is not completed yet and start completing that event or change my emotions and thoughts to attract the future I want.
There are many other breathing techniques taught by Siew Yong that are very useful. My favorite is the humming breathing technique that helps me to deal with worry or endless self criticism in my head. Thank you Siew Yong, I hope many people can be blessed and liberated from pain by your workshops and classes.
Thank you very much, my teacher SY!!
Camus Ip
“This was my first time attending the workshop – Experience your Divinity, which was conducted by Ma Nithya Durgananda. It opened up the secret part of my being – the mother’s unconditional love that I never thought it was possible for me. Such a compassionate energy flowed inside my system which connected my whole body and mind. Firstly, I felt my left physical body opened up by the flow of the energy. I rarely used my left side body actually and during the session, I suddenly remembered my left side body and connected with it again. Secondly, I felt my feminine energy opened up when I was doing moon salutation and preparation. At first, I was thinking when the yoga part would finish as I felt pain during the muscle stretch. But in the last round moon salutation, I became aware that I always had no patience in the process and chasing everything to be end ASAP, so I could not enjoy the process. Therefore, I shifted my idea by aligning my awareness in the movements and suddenly the overall feeling was totally different. After the session, I totally forgot the first 5 round salutations I did but only the last round because I did it in deep awareness, I experienced the feminine energy opened up in my system and this experience became a part of me that it shall never be forgotten. This was a breakthrough for me as I realised that I always work very hard but only in a logical way. I did not know how to radiate the feminine energy although I am in a female body. I was working like a man, using the logic to satisfy everything in perfection but ignoring all the possibilities in manifestation. I am so surprised so much happened in just in 2.5 hours workshop.
She shared all these profound experiences with Ma Durga and she decided to write this article to introduce how powerful the Science of Yoga Nidra can be!”
Henry Tan
“Attending the Yoga Nidra workshop was another new experience for me. It is easy to learn and do. After the second lesson, I found that I had deep sleep and waking up refreshed, in spite of going to bed at the wee hours of 3.00 am and waking at 7.00 am. I noticed clearer thought process and more confidence in decision making. At the last session, I felt my body like a sack of potatoes during the lesson but I was very refreshed after the completion. Thank you Ma Durga for the wonderful sessions of Yoga Nidra. Nithyanandam!
Eileen Jesudason
“I have attended Ma Durga’s yoga nidra sessions before and this was by far the most powerful and intense. Thank you for this gift. In the 4th session, I stepped into expansiveness, or Shiva consciousness, no words can describe, you can only experience for yourself this awesomeness. Thank you Ma, for leading us to this experience”
Marta Miguel
“I had a nice journey into myself. First I took time to be aware of my body and the space around me by focusing on the breathing to the heart and to the space outside where my breath ends. Then I recalled a lot of emotions and feelings, good and bad ones but I felt that there was nothing good or bad about it. It was just what it was and It was just me. Finally I followed the guide until the top of the mountain with trust and in the end I imagined myself flying and going through the clouds. There I felt that I found my other Self. It was just a peaceful feeling of home and of awareness of myself as a whole. Thank you!”
Ma Shankari
“In this 4th session, I went into deep relaxation in the darkness very quickly. I am sure that I was not sleeping because I could hear the music clearly. I did not know what was happening in the darkness but suddenly my consciousness was pulling back to the body. Before my consciousness came back, I could see a lot of black and white symbols moving from my back to front and disappeared at the center of my sight. I could see all those symbols clearly although it was a flash like lightning! I still can remember some of them. Then I felt my entire body was so hard, like a dead body frozen in the mortuary! The body slowly “melted” down and became soft. When we shared after the process, Ma Durga told that it was a good sign – my consciousness went deep in the state of all memories. It is a really wonderful experience for the inner space exploration. The inner cosmos is too big to explore! Thank you for this wonderful session. I will come for the rest of the sessions. Namaste.
Ma Anadyanta
“Yesterday’s Yoga Nidra healed my heart, and I could experience love again. I was struggling with myself these days, seeing myself falling into powerlessness again and again. I felt frustrated and lost confidence in myself. Yoga Nidra put me into a restful state and have a good rest. I saw Devi Lakshmi who was showering me, feeling the warmth and love current, and overflowed with love. And this morning also woke up with a light body. Thanks Ma Durga.”
“Very interesting session, understanding how attention to counting shows the effort needed for concentration. Visualisation occurs more deeply as the mind ‘travels’ to look for the satisfying image. Body prana channelling follows sankalpa and experience from breathing into the area as in yoga. A good session, thank you.”
“I am a big fan of Yoga Nidra! As you know I also bought the recording from you and listen from time to time. I have looked forward to every Sat night the last 6 weeks and each session had brought about different experiences. Ma, thank you for being in my life, you are a blessing.”
Crystal Chan
“I got different experiences in each session. I can be relaxed from my mind. Even the thoughts raises up, I can witness it and know that it is not me. In Yoga Nidra, I could see myself flowing in a vast ocean and relaxing on it. No fear, no worry, just restful awareness. Everything becomes very simple and easy in that state. Then I know all the complications are just created by the mind. I can see very clearly I am not the mind nor the emotion. I can go beyond my emotion which I thought I was trapped in it. Now I don’t stay in the emotion for too long, maximum a few hours, then I can come out from it. Much better than before. Thanks Ma Durga for the sessions.”
Betsy Choi
“These 6 weeks of Yoga Nidra practice let me experience a lot of transformation. In Yoga Nidra, my mind is easier to calm down, even if some thoughts come out, I won’t be affected for too long. It is easy to enter the state of samadhi, a state of peace, I even feel that everything around me has stopped, I’m in another dimension. My body feels loose and soft, and there is a feeling of adjustment inside . And I set a lot of sankalpa , some have already manifested , for example, recently got some windfalls. Relationship is more harmonious than before. And I realized what blocked me from fulfilling my wish after Yoga Nidra . What impressed me the most was that I learned how to fight with negative energy in Yoga Nidra and brought a lot of completion, I feel close to divine
Thank you Ma Durga for bringing us the experience of a big big transformation.”
Marta Miguel
“I had a nice journey into myself. First, I took time to be aware of my body and the space around me by focusing on the breathing to the heart and to the space outside where my breath ends. Then I recalled a lot of emotions and feelings, good and bad ones but I felt that there was nothing good or bad about it. It was just what it was and It was just me. Finally I followed the guide until the top of the mountain with trust and in the end I imagined myself flying and going through the clouds. There I felt that I found my other Self. It was just a peaceful feeling of home and awareness of myself as a whole. The Yoga Nidra sessions were a great opportunity to get in contact with a deeper “Me”, or with the many “Mes”: my body, my mind, my emotions and that something so light and subtle that never dies. Thank you.”