Shiva means Eternal Auspiciousness

Today, I am the mood of sharing my favorite Being, Lord Shiva in Vedic puranas (histories) as told by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) in March 2010 on the auspicious day of Shivaratri.

Shiva, the very word means eternal auspiciousness, auspiciousness without reason or cause. When something exists without cause or reason, it’s eternal. Even if you look at the extraordinary qualities of Mahadeva, when he sits in silence as Dakshinmurthy, he puts people into enlightenment, under the banyan tree. When he dances, he puts people into bliss as Nataraja – the Cosmic Dancer! When he destroys, he destroys all negativity as Kalabhairava. When he decides to show compassion, he can take any poison and swallow it with no limit. When he decides to destroy, he will destroy even death, Yama. When he decides to save, he will go to any extent to save others, how he swallowed the poison to save the world, risking even his own body.

The grandeur with which he expresses the experience, he showers on people who even remember him, Sadashiva, the ultimate Guru, ultimate Yogi, ultimate King, Ishwara, ultimate Leader, ultimate Bliss, ultimate compassion, ultimate life. With all these qualities, he is not too far away, very easy to approach, easily pleased. Nothing much is required to please him. That is why he’s called Bole Baba (easily pleased).

Shivaratri is the celebration of Lord Shiva appearing as an eternal light shaft as Arunachala, to give the opportunity to Brahma (Lord of creation) and Vishnu (Lord of Maintenance), to find the head and feet of Mahadeva. Shivaratri is the day when intense cosmic energy radiates.

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The Metamorphosis From Inner Awakening

On this New Year Day, for the first time, I welcome 2016 with great positivity and new possibilities that it is going to be a phenomenal year! Never have I felt this powerfulness within me in my life, it was only after attending a 21-day spiritual Yoga retreat called Nithyanandoham 1008 with my Guru, Paramhamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) in Phuket last December. So much purifications happened at the muscle memory, bio memory and bio energy levels that it is almost impossible to express the profound experience in words. Fundamentally, words are such poor substitute to describe the intense spiritual experiences and transformation which happened at the very core of my Being.

When I looked back, I could see how my whole Inner Awakening journey was preparing me to receive this ultimate mystical alchemy process. It all started in 2012 when I took a conscious decision to devote time, money and effort for my spiritual seeking during the auspicious 3-year window of conscious shift which began in Dec 2012 till Dec 2015. In Dec 2012 Inner Awakening program, I discovered that I had been suffering from one deep-rooted pattern for many births i.e. the pattern of inauthenticity which stopped me from my spiritual expansion. Inauthenticity comes from fears, ignorance and a wrong self-image. On the last day of Dec 2012 Inner Awakening program, I asked Swamiji to bless me to become authentic and He said “I will do it!” So in the entire year of 2013, I was doing a lot of completions using the science of completion as a technique to align myself back to the 4 spiritual principles of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching self and others. Swamiji guided me to do a major overhaul of my 4 images – Inner Image, Outer Image, Life Image and Others’ Image. That created a fertile inner space for the seed of transformation to sprout.

Then in Dec 2013 Inner Awakening Program, I realised that I had a deep fear of my own Unknown – my huge possibilities but I was not sure how to overcome this fear. One very powerful initiation I received from Swamiji which had helped me to loosen up was ‘Chit-Jata Granthi Bhedana Deeksha’ which means experiencing the ultimate reality that we are pure consciousness. This initiation separates Chit (consciousness) and Jata (matter) so that we can establish ourselves in the Turiya state (pure consciousness). Chit Jata Granthi Bhedana means liberating our consciousness from matter like body and mind, helping us to wake up to the decisive components of life. After this initiation, I became more playful like a child and no longer bothered by incompletions. Swamiji shared this truth – “Man can’t make it, he has to be given”. He told us that he was also given this initiation by Arunagiri Yogishwara, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Through this strong initiation, I was able to experience the Turiya state as a witnessing consciousness but no thoughts.

In Dec 2014 Inner Awakening was another quantum leap into the mystical plane of experiencing “Shivoham” (I am divine) and awakening to all my possibilities. Some of the new intelligence started expressing through the body included the ability to create a space for transmission of truths as an experience for others as well as the ability to relate with children as a Cosmic mother. My life was very much enriched by new intelligence.

Finally, in the recent Dec 2015 Nithyanandoham 1008 program, Swamiji took the entire group of seekers to a whole new level of alchemy by awakening the God particle in us – the bio energy. I experienced a total re-programming of the muscle memory and bio memory to reflect the purity of divine consciousness.

He explained that there are three parts of a human being – firstly, the part Known to you, but negative which is binding, secondly, the part Known to you but positive which is liberating and lastly, the Unknown part of you. The Unknown part of you is 98%, the positive Known part of you is 1% and the negative Known part of you is 1%. Unfortunately, the Unknown of you” is always handled by the negative Known part of you. Any new situation you always look at it from the negative Known part of you which suffocates you in life. Through the Nithyanandoham process, Swamiji successfully converted the 98% Unknown part of you into positive bio-energy. I can already feel the power of this bio energy which gives me the intelligence to develop the right thought current to live a life with powerfulness, intelligence and strength. There is no room for guilt or powerlessness anymore. What an amazing gift by a living incarnation! A thank-you is not enough to express my heartfelt gratitude to Swamiji for the great gift of Inner Awakening to humanity. May more sincere seekers be touched by the divine alchemy of a living incarnation.

In essence, I can sum up my spiritual metamorphosis from Inner Awakening program in one statement “It is about making you experience the Universe and making the Universe experience you as it is.” The experience of ONENESS with the Cosmos and enjoying life as a divine play of extraordinary powers and spiritual experiences is something I would give up anything just to have this gift by the Guru. In this mystical process, I became more comfortable with playing with the Unknown part of me, living in advaita (non-duality) with the Whole. My entire inner space reverberates with this one cognition – Nithyanandoham (I am Nithyananda), the embodiment of eternal bliss. Every cell in my body, the mind and inner space are bubbling with confidence and powerfulness, the new year augurs well a new life with many possibilities! Stay tuned for more happenings. Namaste 😀

Note: To find out about Inner Awakening, click this link –

Varanasi – The City of Living and Leaving

I am not able to contain my tremendous excitement that for the first time, I shall be going on a 7-day Yathra to Varanasi with my 70 y.o. mother! To understand my excitement, you have to know the origin of Varanasi and its spiritual significance for seekers.

So what is a Yathra?

“Yathra” means travelling to a place which puts one in a highest state, in another words, it is about going to a place which gets you back to your own space called Kshetra. Kshetra is a place which stands for certain spiritual energy, certain ideology. The concept of Yathra is unique to Hinduism because way before any religion had invented any pilgrimage, Hindus were doing pilgrimage more than 10,000 years ago. Hindus go to the energy fields to experience and strengthen their seeking. Yathra is the fabric of India which is enlightenment.

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