Divine Mother gives inner healing of all pains

Over the last one month, I have been working with several people through the process of healing their past pain and violence done to them by the unconscious parents and society. See, when the human beings live in the unconscious state of verbal abuse, physical violence and sexual assault, they inflict tremendous fear and pain to the children and destroy their very innocence space, trust and connection with life. That gives birth to the mind and their life is literally destroyed due to the psychological disturbances and the souls stop growing unless they complete with this hangover. I’ve seen many adults grew up feeling hurt by their parents for what they had done to them and this incompletion with parents caused them to lose confidence in themselves, in life and some even developed the patterns of anger, violence and self-harming in their life. This requires tremendous healing at the bio memory level of the individuals.
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Vedic Healing for Cancer


As some of you may be aware, I am a cancer survivor. After having healed from stage 3 cervix cancer in 2006 by the grace of my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji), I now carry the muscle memory and bio memory of one who has completely walked out of cancer. It also means that I can transmit this muscle memory and bio memory to people who are suffering from cancer and help them to get out of this chronic disease.

Since the launch of my first eBook last September titled ‘Cancer: A death sentence or a wake-up call? You decide’, I have started to explore the cancer healing module using Vedic science of healing. Interestingly, since my return from the spiritual retreat – Mahasadashivoham in early January, I have been approached by 2 patients who are in advanced stage of cancer– one with lung cancer and another one with stomach cancer. Both came to me through referral by their family or friends. As I explore this new possibility which has just opened up for me, I like to share the basic understanding here.

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A Yogi lives on moderate Sattvic diet

Do you know that a Yogi goes through a major diet change once he or she becomes firmly established on the path of Yoga?

As a living Yogi, I remembered the first shift in my diet happened when I decided to become a vegetarian in January 2007 after taking the initiation as a Nithya Spiritual Healer from my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). My better half was struggling with my decision because he said that many Yoga teachers (referring to my fellow yoga teacher friends) were not vegetarian, why the need to make such a drastic decision. See, the enjoyment of food is one major sense pleasure for him, not able to enjoy food with his wife was too much for him. The purification nature of Yoga just made this decision a natural evolution for me by the grace of Swamiji. Swamiji cautioned us that anything you eat, that becomes you! One part of what you eat becomes your bones, muscles, flesh, blood, words, thinking, feeling and your Being! Food plays a vital role in our life, not just the body-mind, but also in our consciousness.

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