Secret revelations from International Day of Yoga

Last Friday on 21st June happened to be the International Day of Yoga, which was celebrated annually since its inception in 2015. An international day for Yoga was declared unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). As many of you are aware Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated from Hinduism in India.

On that day, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, a living Avatar (fondly known as Swamiji) shared with the world some of the astounding revelations about our relationship with our body from the Super consciousness. He said that in Hindu tradition as per Paramashiva’s revelations about yoga – “The human body is never a first person. What you feel as the first person – “I,” “I,” “I” You all know first person means “I.”Whoever believes, cognizes the body is the first person is called Rogi – sick, not just physically sick but also mentally sick. The body is never a first person, that is the first cognition you need to have. In Paramashiva’s medical system, the original Hindu Ayurveda diagnoses sixty thousand diseases and disorders, and has a medicine for all the sixty thousand diseases and disorders – cure, not just maintenance. The mission statement of Ayurveda is live forever as youth. It is not created for somebody to constantly use your body-mind as a source for their income. See the modern-day pharmaceutical companies or medical investment entities, for them the policy is you should not die, you should not be healthy. Only then you can be income source for them. But the fundamental vision of the Ayurveda is, live forever with all possibilities. So, the integrity of Ayurveda is something unimaginable and it is totally at different level. The fundamental disease as per the Ayurveda, Paramashiva’s medical science – hunger and sleep. Even that will disappear if you cognize body is a second person. Understand, body is really not the first person. You being taught body is the first person is the fundamental delusion! And, from there starts all exploitation and bondage. Society starts exploiting you, everyone starts exploiting you the moment you are tied with this fundamental delusion – the body is first person.”

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A Yogi lives on moderate Sattvic diet

Do you know that a Yogi goes through a major diet change once he or she becomes firmly established on the path of Yoga?

As a living Yogi, I remembered the first shift in my diet happened when I decided to become a vegetarian in January 2007 after taking the initiation as a Nithya Spiritual Healer from my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). My better half was struggling with my decision because he said that many Yoga teachers (referring to my fellow yoga teacher friends) were not vegetarian, why the need to make such a drastic decision. See, the enjoyment of food is one major sense pleasure for him, not able to enjoy food with his wife was too much for him. The purification nature of Yoga just made this decision a natural evolution for me by the grace of Swamiji. Swamiji cautioned us that anything you eat, that becomes you! One part of what you eat becomes your bones, muscles, flesh, blood, words, thinking, feeling and your Being! Food plays a vital role in our life, not just the body-mind, but also in our consciousness.

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Upanishad – THE key to Wholeness

I have been listening to the great truths of Ishavasya Upanishad by a living master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) since Janunary 2015. This morning I just had an epiphany after having been contemplating, internalising and debating about some of the subtler truths about Eesha, Pure Consciousness!

 What are Upanishads?

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