You are already WHOLE

Do you know that you are a part of the Universe?
Are you aware that your Soul comes from the Source – the Super Consciousness (also known as Sadashiva in Sanskrit)?

I was born in a Taoist family where deities worshop was common but I never really developed any feeling connection with the family deities. During my Secondary school, I gave Christianity a go by opting for Bible study as a subject to understand the teaching. Nothing clicked with my being during that 1-year of Bible study, everything appeared as a vague faded memory, it seemed that my heart somehow knew more than my mind. It was only when I started my journey of seeking triggered by my passion for Science of Yoga that I was led to discover the amazingly open architecture of Hindusim. Yoga is rooted in Hinduism – the source is from Vedic tradition and culture. The path of Yoga is an independent intelligence which can lead the sincere seekers back to its Source. Not only I was able to find answers to all my burning questions coming from my intellectual mind, I was also able to experience the space of completion (poornatva) and the infinite possibilities as pure consciousness. I just know I am at HOME, the space of truth – the reality as it is.

Since time immemorial, the rishis (Hindu sages or saints) of Vedic tradition heard the truth from the Source and compiled these revelations in the sacred scriptures known as Upanishad. The first Shanti mantra (peace chant) in IsaVasya Upanishad describes the introduction of YOU to you:

Om poornamadah poornamidam
Poornaat poornamudachyate
Poornasya poornamaadaaya
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Upanishad – THE key to Wholeness

I have been listening to the great truths of Ishavasya Upanishad by a living master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) since Janunary 2015. This morning I just had an epiphany after having been contemplating, internalising and debating about some of the subtler truths about Eesha, Pure Consciousness!

 What are Upanishads?

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Three Truths About Collective Consciousness

The topic of Collective Consciousness is one such topic that either it frightens you or it transforms you.

Your response depends on the state of the spiritual maturity you have at the time of receiving this truth. One thing is certain – truth frightens us. Man as such cannot handle too much of truth because he feels that the ground on which he is standing is moving away or his identity which he has built up in his entire life started to crumble away. That would be too much! Seriously, if truth were to be given out as it is honestly, many will run away and only a few brave ones will be willing to accept it. The simple truth is that truth straight away transforms us.

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