Science of Energy Healing


As an ordained Nithya Spiritual Healer, quite often I’ve been asked the science of energy healing and the difference between pranic healing and spiritual healing. This article is intended to offer clarity.

All emotions, both good and bad, are nothing but the effect of the engraved memories (samskaras) which we have accumulated in the past. When you are carrying too many negative samskaras, naturally the energy flow in the body will not be smooth. In particular, samskaras block the energy centers (chakras) causing physical and mental disturbances. Most of our diseases are psychosomatic. They have their roots in the mind. What we see is just the effect and so we never really understand this mind-body connection. When a particular chakra gets blocked, the part of the body near that chakra gets affected. Kirlian photography has recorded the effect of emotions on the chakras. Each of our major chakras is related to some primary emotion in us. All our emotions are just different facets of our seven primary emotions. The same basic emotion plays as anger and fear, the same emotion plays as desire and guilt. If we can understand these seven emotions, we can handle the whole spectrum of emotions that happens in us.

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