7 Timeless Tips To Have Fulfilling Relationship With Your Child

After I got back from the Inner Awakening retreat in end December, lately I’ve experienced a breakthrough in my relationship with my son, Kai which really made me feel so fulfilled. Our relationship had always been very loving, friendly with mutual respect but there were times when I would lose my ‘cool’ in anger with his laziness or insensitive behaviors. Before the start of the retreat, I told him that I would drop my anger engram (engraved memory).

During the retreat, I was given the 4 great tattwas (spiritual values) of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching Others, just working on myself with these truths, I saw the anger engram started to lose power over me. There is a constant awareness within to allow me to witness my thoughts and words. It is as if I’ve entered into a new space and now I am beginning to see auspicious things are gathering around me. Besides attracting new business opportunities, I could see some of my close relationships also got healed as I started living these truths.

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