Life has no failures only lessons

I wrapped up the year of 2018 feeling so relieved and grateful for having completed a year of tumultuous ride and drastic change in many aspects of my life. There were certain things which I had put off for a while, they were getting fulfilled as the timing was right and my inner space was ready. I’ve also experienced that there are no failures in life, there are only life lessons to be learned designed to make us wiser, stronger and more resilient. Just like a diamond getting polished to its sparkling radiance, I felt that I was getting polished by the Cosmos last year.

So, what were my lessons last year?

1. Have courage to go through the tests in life
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Marriage with Hostility

Have you ever felt that there are times when your life is filled with hostilities?

Hostility means when we are constantly threatened from life situations which make feel us suffocated. Hostilities can come from our parents, in-laws, siblings, spouse, children, organizations or communities.

In my life, I grew up with a hot-tempered and violent mother and constantly I lived in fear and low self esteem during my growing-up years. Many times I used to wonder – why did I take birth through her, someone who was so filled with anger and violence?

It was only after listening to one particular discourse which was delivered by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, my spiritual guru that gave me a big click and it changed the way I respond to hostility.

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