Granthis: the three knots that bind us

Do you know that, in each one of us, there are three knots called granthis?

The inspiration for this article happened during my 28-day fasting called Pachai-pattini vathram (PPV) in 7th March – 3rd Apr 2021. This was my second year taking up this fasting after the inspiration by my Guru, HDH Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam, and I must say the experience had been so amazing. Pachai-pattini Vathram is an annual fasting by Devi Mahamari Amman where she would herself fast for four weeks in order to safeguard the interests of her countless devotees. It was during this period of penance (tapas), so many extraordinary insights about body and yoga got revealed to me that I was inspired to design an 8-part series of Tantra Yoga module. The feedback and breakthroughs the students shared, have been extremely encouraging. Hence, I decided to share about the yogic understanding about the three granthis.

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Untie the knots and be free

Do you tie knots in your life which suffocate you?

I am reminded of a beautiful story about Buddha and his disciples by a living avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji):-

One day Budhha arrived for his usual morning discourse with his disciples. He had a knotted handkerchief in his hand. He showed it to the disciples and asked if any one of them could come up and untie the knot. One disciple went up and tried to untie it. He pulled and pulled, the knot tightened further. Another disciple went up, he looked at the knot for a few seconds and easily untied it. All he did was look at the knot and immediately he knew how the knot was created in the first place. So, he just reversed the whole thing and untied it. The knot itself taught him how to untie it.

Same way, our negative patterns and incompletions are nothing but the knots in the handkerchief. If we look at a pattern with awareness, we will see exactly how it was created, so you will understand the right way to ‘untie’ it. The knot or pattern itself will show you the way out of it!

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