How to ground your child?

Last evening, I gave an enlightened parenting talk on the topic of grounding children of this era from spiritual knowledge of Vedic tradition. There were about 23 parents and 19 teachers who attended this sharing, many of them received so many clicks about parenting especially from Questions & Answers session. Since millions of parents out there in the world had missed this session, so I decided that perhaps sharing it in writing would be another way to give access to this knowledge for humanity.

First fundamental truth – children represent intense life energy, that is why it is such a joy being with them. The role of parents is to hold a space for their children to harness this energy and channel it to creativity and positive life-affirmative experiences such that it leads them to self-discovery of their passion and life purpose. When a child discovers his or her passion, so much enthusiasm and creativity will simply flow out of their being.  

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