How to handle anger?

Let go of anger” says Lord KrishnaHe who is without anger shall reach me!
If you go by the literal understanding of this verse in Bhagavad Gita, none of us can reach Lord Krishna because all of us at some point in life, would have expressed anger. What is anger?

The truth is anger is neither positive nor negative. Anger is an energy, just like money, it depends on how you handle it. For example, if somebody does a $10 job, you will not pay him $1000. If you are paying him $1000, you will become bankrupt very soon! Same way, if somebody does $10 worth of mistake, don’t pay him with $1000 worth of anger! For any negative emotion, whether it is anger, lust, greed, fear, when you pay more than the situation requires, you will be depleted.
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Judging Life is Violence

Do you know that the more judgments you carry about life, the more you will suffer with unnecessary violence and anger?

We are always so quick to pass judgment on a particular person based on one experience or even on a particular race based on one person. The judgment you pass about a particular race, the judgments you pass about a religion, the judgment you pass about a state, the prejudices and biases you carry, are all related to this wrong knowledge – we use the past experience to judge the present situation.

Here starts the problem because not only do we throw the emotions of anger or violence on others, we start internalising them which make us suffer with unnecessary emotions. For example, you read some news about a country’s President and you say “This guy is destroying the citizens of that country! So you start to carry a strong anger against him. But you won’t be able to directly interfere in his life as you have neither the right nor power to do it. So you are just sitting with that anger and later, if you hear some misfortune has happened in that President, you are happy because your anger is fulfilled, your violence is fulfilled. This is called excess anger or unnecessary anger which is in no way directly related to your life. It is just a judgment you are carrying about life.

In the 8th Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, he tells us not to carry strong words or judgments about life based on our narrow logic from the past conditioning. All these things are based on wrong knowledge. He says “Interpreting based on past incompletions leads to misconception or wrong understanding.” We never have compassion towards the present moment, we are always violent with the present moment, that is why we kill the present with the past. We destroy the present moment with the incompletions carried forward from our past. Be very clear – abusing the present moment with the incompletions from the past is hell.

All our fears, greed, worries, whatever we think of as misfortune in life, whatever we think of as our identity, can be sorted out with this one understanding. Eternity presents itself to you in the present moment, you can touch Eternity only by touching the present moment. You can’t directly touch the past nor future, the present moment is the only way you can directly connect with Eternity. However, if you are constantly torturing it with your past, you are creating incompletion, misconception and wrong understanding. All the suffering is just with this one problem – carrying the past into the present, leading to wrong understanding. You go on interpreting life based on the past and creating problems for yourself. This is how wrong understanding leads to wrong decisions which leads to suffering.

In any situation, if you are open, fresh and alive, without the past conditioning and words, you can handle the situation directly, you can live and experience that situation completely. But when you carry a preconceived idea about the situation. You never directly face that situation, you jump to a certain conclusion and start taking actions based on that. See how many time you create a whole problem in your imagination and are ready to attack with all the weapons and arguments. One important truth is we think in a generalised way i.e. the mind always carries the incompletions from one situation from one experience and extends it to all people, all situations and all experiences. Each situation is different, but your mind always generalizes.

My Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) gives this ONE amazing key, he said ‘Have compassion towards the present moment’. If you look towards the present moment with a little sympathy and compassion, it will completely open a new door, you will have a new understanding about life. When you don’t have compassion towards the present moment, you always judge this moment with your past experience. This is a powerful key to unlock all your suffering from the past and see every moment as new!

In essence, stop judging life based on your past, have a little compassion towards the present moment so that you can allow yourself to fully experience life and eventually touch Eternity. Namaste 😀

  • Source – 108 truths from the Yoga of Enlightenment by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Liberate yourself from negative emotions


Do you know how to go beyond negative emotions such as anger, depression, greed or fear?

I’ve learned a very powerful technique from a living enlightened master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda which enables me to liberate myself from negative emotions. He said that “There is a truth from Vedanta i.e. whenever some emotions happen within your system, it is like a shower of rain that happens in your being. There are particular cells that catch these emotions. For example, the first time anger is showered on us, if we are affected for 10 mins, then the next time it will become 20 mins. By the third time, it will be 30 mins. This is how the emotion becomes stronger and stronger when we cooperate with these negative emotions in our being and we create the same type of mood in us again and again. Not only will the emotion get recorded in us, we will express the same thing on others like our kids and people whom we work with.

Why is this so?

Since the basic quality of life is reproduction and expansion, this is the survival instinct governed by the 2nd chakra (swadhisthana) – the fear energy center within our body. Reproduction is governed by the 1st chakra (mooladhara) – the sex energy center in our body. Both these energy centers are closely connected.

By the law of nature, the cells that catch the anger emotion will start reproducing and each cell creates another 5-6 more cells. Next time, when the anger shower happens in you, all these new cells will catch the same emotion and becomes the size of the original cells. Now, they will also start reproducing. By the 3rd time when the anger shower happens again, all these cells catch the emotion and start storing it. This is why every time when we are showered with the same emotion, it becomes stronger and we lose control of that emotion.

When a particular negative emotion rises in you, just don’t cooperate with it. Let your body not go behind that emotion whether it is anger, irritation or depression or lust or fear or anything. Within 3 or 4 times, you will be liberated from that emotion. You will have the key now in your hand – how not to be taken away but that emotion? How to be centered in your Self? Whether it is anger or fear or greed, it gets more power only if your body also cooperates with it. With whatever emotion your body moves, that emotion gets recorded inside your system. And that emotion will become much more intense.

People think that life runs on fear and greed. Mahavira, a great enlightened Jain master from India says that “When you come to planet earth, you bring enough energy to fulfil all your desires. You already have enough fuel. You always think – if I stop fuelling myself with fear and greed, I may stop working.”

The truth is we have enough potential energy to maintain ourselves and achieve what we want in life without fear and greed. We just need to trust that we don’t need fear or greed to run our life. There is already a reserve of fuel within us, we just need to learn how to tap into this endless energy source through spiritual knowledge and practices. Namaste 😀